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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 364

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 364

The person who answered the door was a young and gorgeous woman.

She wasn’t shocked the moment she detected Zong Jinghao’s presence. In fact, she seemed to be expecting his arrival all along.

In fact, she would be surprised if it weren’t Zong Jinghao who had shown up in front of her doorstep.

“Are you here to retrieve an item?” the young woman asked with a smile.

Due to the illumination of the corridor, the woman’s flawless facial features could be seen. Her glistering pair of eyes stood out amongst the features she had been blessed with. In short, she was an ethereal beauty.

However, Zong Jinghao behaved casually, as though he couldn’t be bothered by the woman’s so-called flawless features at all.

He replied nonchalantly with a poker face, “Mm.”

“Come on in,” the woman replied with a smile and moved away, showing him the way into the room.

Zong Jinghao frowned in confusion. He had his fair share of doubts deep down because he couldn’t recall encountering this woman by Wen Qing’s side.

Apart from that, he couldn’t figure out the rationale behind why Wen Qing had handed over his item to such a young woman.

“My father and Uncle Wen have been close acquaintances for years. My father was the one who has access to the information of the exceptional recruits who have been recruited through the drill. Uncle Wen wanted to peruse the information, but my dad wasn’t free. Hence, he sent me on his behalf…” The woman explained the reason behind it and introduced herself, “My name is Chen Shihan. If anything is bothering you, please give Uncle Wen a call.”

Since Chen Shihan had introduced herself and told Zong Jinghao everything he had been wondering, he could not bring anything else up anymore.

Once he marched into the room, Chen Shihan closed the door and passed him the folder she had retrieved from the table.

However, when Zong Jinghao tried to take it away from Chen Shihan, she held on to it firmly.

She looked at Zong Jinghao and asked, “Aren’t you curious about the reason Uncle Wen has sent you to retrieve the documents? I mean, people like my father and Uncle Wen have bodyguards around them twenty-four seven. In fact, they have an entire unit at their deployment. Both you and I don’t need to meet up for a mere set of documents.”

“Oh? Does that mean you know what they’re up to?” Zong Jinghao played along because he had been wanting to figure out the reason behind it as well.

“Of course! I heard the conversation between my father and Uncle Wen prior to my departure.” Chen Shihan sat on the couch nonchalantly; she was certain Zong Jinghao would be interested in the things she had to share with him.

Zong Jinghao nodded in return. He wasn’t interested in the content of the conversation they had, but he wanted to figure out the reason behind Wen Qing’s action.

“Do you want me to tell you?” Chen Shihan asked with a bright smile.

It was evident that she had no intention to share it with him unconditionally, but Zong Jinghao had always been a proud man.

He would never allow a woman to overpower him.

Therefore, he cast a skeptical gaze at Chen Shihan before stepping out of the room.

She didn’t expect him to leave her behind without any hesitation. Immediately, she got up from the couch and went after Zong Jinghao.

By the time she reached the entrance, Zong Jinghao had already boarded the elevator and made his way downstairs. She chuckled as she stood by the entrance. “Zong Jinghao, you’re such an interesting man!”

Zong Jinghao was a young and wealthy man. He possessed countless assets and a flawless look that could easily charm another woman.

Chen Shihan got pumped up because she could not wait to figure out the arrangement Wen Qing and her father had in store to match-make them.

Previously, Chen Shihan had merely heard rumors about Zong Jinghao. She finally had the opportunity to run into him in person. He was a charismatic man. As compared to his peers, he was far more exceptional.

Once Zong Jinghao got into his car with the folder, he made his way back to his company.

He couldn’t figure out the meaning behind Chen Shihan’s words, and neither could he figure out Wen Qing’s intention behind his request.

As soon as he reached his company, Zong Jinghao parked his car in the underground parking lot. The moment he alighted from his car, he noticed the folder and decided to bring it along with him.

He boarded the elevator and made his way upstairs.

“Send Guan Jing to my office immediately,” he instructed after he walked out of the elevator and passed by his secretary’s seat.

He entered his office once he delivered his instructions. Zong Jinghao placed the folder he had brought along with him on the table casually and adjusted his tie.

As soon as Guan Jing walked into his office, Zong Jinghao pointed at the folder on his table and instructed his subordinate to deliver it to Wen Qing.

Guan Jing took note of his instruction and took the folder along with him as he made his way out of his supervisor’s office, but Zong Jinghao stopped him. “Hold on.”


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