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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 389

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 389

Lin Xinyan was married to Zong Jinghao, and she bore children for him. Zhuang Zijin was younger than Cheng Yuxiu, but she looked older in comparison. As fate would decree, Zhuang Zijin didn’t marry a good husband when she was young, and her life had been miserable. After coming back, she chose to embark on a path of darkness.

Cheng Yuxiu’s early life wasn’t easy, but after marrying Zong Qifeng, she at least had some security in life. Compared to Zhuang Zijin, she had it easier.

Her son eventually became successful and had his own family, so there were no regrets left for her. “Come in. They must have been waiting,” Cheng Yuxiu invited her in. She must be dying to see the kids.

Lin Xinyan chimed in, “Let’s go in, mom.”

Zhuang Zijin nodded. Instead of going with them, Cheng Yuxiu went out alone. She knew it must be hard for Zhuang Zijin to meet the children since she was a convict.

And for the first time, Zong Jinghao looked directly at Cheng Yuxiu. So she’s actually decent, huh? I guess the only thing she did wrong was marry my father at the wrong time. Then he looked away.

The first thing that greeted them after coming in was the living room, where the children were in. Cheng Yuxiu must have told them their grandmother would be coming today, so they had been waiting right there. Once Zhuang Zijin made her appearance, they darted toward her.

“I’ve missed you, grandma.” Her grandchildren hugged her legs and rubbed their faces against them.

Zhuang Zijin immediately teared up. She stared down at the children and patted their heads. “I’ve missed you too.”

Thanks to the Zongs’ meticulous care, the children seemed to have grown taller. Lin Xichen was growing to be a spitting image of his father. He’s a handsome little boy. On the other hand, Lin Ruixi looked like her mother.

Zhuang Zijin wanted to pick them up, but they had grown to be a bit too heavy for her.

Lin Xichen held her hand. “Come in, grandma.”

“Grandma, what took you so long?” Lin Ruixi grumbled. “Did you forget about us?”

Zhuang Zijin caressed Lin Ruixi’s face. “I didn’t, my dear girl. I’ve watched over you for as long as I could. You were only this big when you were born.” Zhuang Zijin gesticulated. “Just like a kitten, you see. Now you’re all grown up, and I can’t even hold you anymore.”

Lin Ruixi giggled and lingered around her grandmother. “Grandma keeps feeding me my favorite food, so I’ve been growing quickly.” She pinched her face.

Lin Ruixi’s face was perfectly smooth and chubby, her eyes big and bright. Oh, she looks so cute. They’ve been taken good care of.

She gazed at the children. “I’m happy knowing you kids are living well.”

Lin Ruixi leaned against her arms. “We have a big house here, grandma. Why don’t you stay with us too?”

Zhuang Zijin’s heart skipped a beat. If she hadn’t been overwhelmed by her hate, she would have been living with her grandchildren by now, watching over them as they grew up.

She didn’t regret her actions even when Lin Xinyan cried in front of her, but everything came undone after seeing her grandchildren.

She hugged Lin Ruixi tightly. If she could, she wanted to stay with them, but alas.

“Here, grandma.” Lin Xichen peeled a banana and handed it to Zhuang Zijin. He knew his grandmother loved bananas.

She took it from him and hugged him tightly. She wanted to cry, but she held her tears back, not wishing her grandchildren to see her break down.

Ever since they came in, Lin Xinyan never moved from the doorstep. Even though the sight before her was supposed to be heartwarming, it felt heavy and brooding.


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