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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 393

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 393

However, He Ruize didn’t stop. Instead, he continued walking towards her.

Lin Xinyan continued backing away. She was so frightened that her face had lost its color completely, and it now looked like a blank piece of paper.

How did he manage to get out?

She suddenly felt a scream rise to her throat. It was getting harder and harder for her to breathe.

“Are you surprised to see me?” He Ruize asked, giggling maniacally.

He Ruize was much scarier now than he had been when he kidnapped her.

Lin Xinyan forced herself to calm down. Trying to keep her composure, she warned, “Don’t you dare come over. If you take one more step towards me, I’m going to scream for someone!”

“Haha!” He Ruize burst into laughter, as though he was trying to tell her that he wasn’t scared of anyone.

When he wasn’t paying attention to her, Lin Xinyan groped around her pockets and realized that she had left her phone in the room. There was only the toilet behind her—she had no way of escape now.

She gazed at He Ruize. “What do you want to do to me?”

He Ruize laughed again. “Do you know something? He Ruilin is dead.”

The last time Lin Xinyan heard of her, He Ruilin had been locked up in prison.

How could she have died?

“Zong Jinghao framed her for killing someone and got her locked up. Unable to stand life without her freedom, she committed suicide in jail.” He Ruize gritted his teeth, a look of anger flashing across his brutal face. “Because of my sister and I, the entire He family got implicated and lost our repute. We became the laughing stock of the entire B City! Awful, isn’t it!”

“You brought this upon yourself! Nobody made you do it—those who live by the sword die by the sword! You know that perfectly well!” Lin Xinyan retorted as she glanced around frantically, trying to find something she could protect herself with. Other than the flower pot by the wall, there was nothing else on the corridor.

“Yan, you’re very cruel to me. Do you really think you had no part to play in this?” He Ruize walked even closer to her. “If you got together with me instead of flirting with Zong Jinghao, he would have gotten married to my sister, and we would all have gotten our happy endings! But being the wretch you are, you had to go and flirt with another man—my sister’s man! You threw a wrench in my plans and caused our happy ending to turn into this tragedy. It’s all your fault!”

He was only two steps away from her now.

Lin Xinyan couldn’t sit still and wait for someone to rescue her any longer. She tried to escape through the gap between He Ruize and the wall. However, the moment she moved, He Ruize shot forward and pounced onto her.

Lin Xinyan screamed, “Shen Pei… Ahh!”

Just as she wanted to yell for help, He Ruize clamped his hand over her mouth.

Lin Xinyan’s eyes were wide with fear.

“Why are you so scared?” He Ruize whispered into her ear. “I won’t hurt you, so why are you so scared of me?”

Lin Xinyan shivered uncontrollably.

With He Ruize’s arm still clamped over her mouth, she prayed he would let her off.

He pressed a kiss to her neck. Lin Xinyan froze in horror—her entire stomach started churning again, and she suddenly felt the overwhelming desire to throw up.

“Ahh!” she tried to scream.

He Ruize looked furious. “Does my touch disgust you that much?”

Lin Xinyan’s voice sounded through a crack in his fingers. “Yes, you disgust me!”

He Ruize went even further, grabbing hold of her face and pressing kisses all over it. Lin Xinyan struggled, but he was much stronger than her; she couldn’t shake herself free at all.

As she struggled, she suddenly realized that there was something hanging from He Ruize’s waist.

She grasped at it wildly and saw that it was a gun.

She grabbed the gun and pressed it against He Ruize’s stomach. “Let go of me right now, or I’ll fire.”

He Ruize froze for a second before laughing. “You don’t have the guts to do that.”

He continued pulling at her clothes.

In her frenzied state, Lin Xinyan’s mind was completely blank. There was only one thought in her mind—she couldn’t let He Ruize touch her as he pleased!



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