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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 398

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 398

“Stop putting up a show. All the evidence points to you. We won’t let you leave before we are done with the investigation,” the police remarked, thinking she was trying to fake illness to get bailed out. “It’s impossible to be released on bail given your circumstance,” he added.

Lin Xinyan did not bother answering. She was feeling very uncomfortable.

The officer recording the statement nudged the officer beside him and said, “I think we should probably resume later. Let’s send her to the medical room first.”

Just as the police were deciding whether they should let the doctor attend to her, a commotion rumbled outside, and a sharp voice rang through the door. “We’re questioning the suspect. You can’t go in!” someone shouted at Shen Peichuan.

He had broken into the police station with a gun in his hand.

“Shen Peichuan, do you know what you’re doing?” the police in charge of questioning the suspect roared.

Shen Peichuan looked at him from the corner of his eyes coldly. He knew full well the consequences of his action—but he did not care. As long as he did not hurt anyone, the worst that could happen to him was losing his job. It was not a big deal anymore at this point.

His gaze landed on Lin Xinyan, and he cried out, “Xinyan, are you okay?”

Lin Xinyan nodded her head weakly, trying to assure him that everything was alright.

Shen Peichuan realized something was off and rushed over quickly. “What’s wrong?” he asked, trying to support her with his arms.

Lin Xinyan shook her head slightly. She was not sure if she was feeling unwell because she had drunk yesterday. All she knew was that the abdominal pain she felt was intensifying as time passed.

“Let’s get you to the hospital,” Shen Peichuan held her in his arms. However, Captain Chen got in the way and stopped him.

“Ms. Lin is now a suspect; you cannot bring her anywhere,” he warned.

“Get out of the way, or I’ll blow your head up!” Shen Peichuan shouted as he pointed the gun at Captain Chen.

The captain did not relent. He took a few steps forward and placed his head right in front of the muzzle. He knew Shen Peichuan would never fire.

“Chief Shen, Ms. Lin is now being charged with murder. The investigation is still ongoing. Things won’t look nice for her if she leaves now. You might not care about yourself, but what about her?” the captain asked.

Lin Xinyan grabbed Shen Peichuan’s arm and pushed his gun away. She did not want to get him involved.

“I’m alright. It’s just an investigation. I won’t die because of it. You can leave,” she told him firmly.

“Xinyan!” Shen Peichuan yelled.

“I said, leave! You won’t be of any help here,” Lin Xinyan repeated.

She knew everything had been set up. They were just waiting for her to fall into their trap.

Shen Peichuan would not be able to do anything.

It was useless even if she got out of the police station.

As long as no evidence proved her innocence, she would never be able to get away.

“But you’re not feeling well,” Shen Peichuan commented anxiously.

Cold sweat was already rolling down her forehead, and her lips looked chapped. If not for Shen Peichuan, she would have collapsed to the ground already.


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