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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 4

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 4

Even though that was a question, there was no space for rejection.

Lin Xinyan nodded. It seemed like he had something to tell her.

It was perfect as she wanted to speak to him too.

Lin Guoan eyed Lin Xinyan with a warning look and said, “You should know how to read the situation.”

If she had offended him even before marrying him… Looking at Zong Jinghao’s face, it seemed like he was dissatisfied with Lin Xinyan. The Lins needed the Zongs; they would be useful for their business.

He would not allow Lin Xinyan to mess up this marriage.

Lin Xinyan pretended that she saw nothing and followed closely behind Guan Jing.

She knew exactly what Lin Guoan was thinking. Why was he thinking? Did he expect her to help him after marrying into the Zongs?

Just because he was her father?

Yet he had never treated her like his daughter. Did he even know how she lived through these eight years?

Lin Xinyan was lost in her thoughts until she bummed into something hard with her head. When she lifted her head, all she saw was that perfect face, watching her from above.

As— As expected, he could stand!

And it meant that her guess was right.

Lin Xinyan could feel the hair standing up on her arms. She looked at him pretending to be calm and said, “You were pretending to be handicapped, weren’t you?”

Zong Jinghao narrowed his eyes. It did not feel great to have someone read through his mind. His tone was intimidating as he asked, “Why marry me even if you knew I was handicapped? What did you see in me? Money? Do you wish to become a wealthy mistress?”

Under his gaze, she felt a draft seeping through her body. Her heart was gripped tightly by an invisible hand, and she could barely breathe. However, she showed of that none on her face and replied, “I was two when this marriage was arranged. Could I have understood the concept of wealth at that age by begging my mother and yours to engage us?”

She paused to catch her breath before continuing, “When I was two, you were already ten. You’re older than me by eight years. Have I ever complained that you’re old?”

Zong Jinghao sneered in his heart. Not only was this woman good with her words, she was also quick-witted!

Very well!

Him? Old?

There was a whiff of gunpowder in the air.

Two pairs of eyes looked at each other. Sparks flew and no one wanted to back down.

Her hands that rested on the sides were clenched into fists. The only reason she had agreed to this marriage was because Lin Guoan promised that he would return her mother’s dowry to her.

Making him the enemy was not her goal. She softens her tone and said, “Mr. Zong, I know you don’t want to marry me. Actually, it’s not that bad—”

She paused intentionally to watch Zong Jinghao’s expressions. He hid them well but she still spotted them.

“Mr. Zong, let’s make a deal.” Lin Xinyan said. She never really thought about marrying into the Zongs. She had agreed to the marriage but it was just to return to this country and take back what was hers.

“Ha.” Zong Jinghao laughed. It sounded like a joke to him. He would never strike a deal with her.

Lin Xinyan swallowed. Her back was layered with cold sweat from being nervous. Zong Jinghao was tall, and she had to look up to talk to him. “I know that you’re pretending to be handicapped to make the Lins back out on this marriage. I will agree to keep the promise for I have my reasons.”

This caught Zong Jinghao’s interest.


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