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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 419

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 419

If they had the evidence to pin the crime on Lin Xinyan, they would naturally have the evidence to clear her name as well.

Someone had been hiding in a corner and recorded the entire incident when it happened. Lin Xinyan had fired a shot at He Ruize in a state of panic in order to defend herself. However, He Ruize didn’t die from that shot itself. He Ruize then grabbed Lin Xinyan by the hand and fired two more shots at himself, ending his life on the spot.

The video that went viral online had been edited to only show Lin Xinyan firing the first shot at He Ruize, leaving him lying on the ground with blood all over him.

That gave people the impression that Lin Xinyan was the one who killed him.

Wen Qing had the full video, and it was Chen Qing who managed to get himself a copy without him knowing and had someone edit it before posting it online.

That video was sufficient to prove that Lin Xinyan didn’t murder anyone, and that she had only fired a shot in self-defense.

However, Zong Jinghao wasn’t satisfied with his response. “You guys accused a woman of murder. Did you think you could just brush it off so casually like that?”

Wen Qing frowned. “What more do you want?”

“Not much. All I want is for those involved in this incident to apologize to her.” Zong Jinghao said indifferently.

Wen Qing got mad when he heard that. Being the person behind it all, I would have to be the first to apologize! I didn’t expect for Zong Jinghao to come up with such a request… I’ve never had to apologize to anyone my entire life! There’s no way I’d apologize to Lin Xinyan!

“That’s impossible!” Wen Qing refused.

Even Chen Qing was surprised by Zong Jinghao’s request because it was just ridiculous.

“He’s your elder…”

“Age has nothing to do with this. The law punishes people regardless of their age.” Zong Jinghao interrupted him. “What, did you think you could get away with anything just because you’re a government official?”

Chen Qing went silent immediately. He was afraid of saying something he shouldn’t as he was still in office.

He knew how important it was for those in his position to be careful with their words and actions.

Wen Qing’s face turned red with anger. As someone with an old-fashioned mindset who didn’t believe in gender equality, he absolutely refused to apologize to Lin Xinyan.

“Jinghao, you’re making me apologize for a woman?” His frown deepened.

Zong Jinghao just smiled at him and said. “That, I’m afraid, isn’t up to you.”

The look on both their faces turned grim, especially Wen Qing as he asked. “What do you mean by that?”

Zong Jinghao stood up and dusted his sleeves. “You two aren’t the only one with tricks up your sleeves, you know? Unfortunately, you’re no match for me when it comes to schemes.”

The great power and glory that came with being a government official was also accompanied by a great amount of weaknesses.


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