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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 431

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 431

After hanging up the phone, He Wenhuai put it on the table nervously. “We can only wait for news now.”

Chen Qing poured him a cup of tea. “I’m sure we will receive good news.”

But He Wenhuai was not in the mood to drink tea. He had no one else in his pocket now other than that policeman. Besides, there would not be another opportunity to catch her if they failed this time.

“I hope so.”

He stared at Chen Qing and reminded, “You can’t leave me to die.”

Chen Qing pulled a long face. “Don’t you trust me?”

“No.” He Wenhuai poured him a cup of tea again. “I’m only worried…”

Chen Qing looked at him meaningfully before bringing the cup of tea to his lips. If Lin Xinyan dies, Zong Jinghao will find out that the He family is the mastermind behind her death. But what’s that got to do with me? The policeman is not in my pocket anyway. Furthermore, there is no doubt that the He family will be meeting its end soon. He Wenhuai should be thankful that I still have use for him now.

In the hospital.

That policeman returned to the ward. Thanks to the He family, he had managed to join the police force successfully. But he had no chance to return the favor to them after all these years. Hence, he was determinedly not to let them down this time.

The warrant in his hand was wrinkled due to his tight grip.

Zong Jinghao noted the change in the policeman’s attitude and suspected that he might attempt to arrest Lin Xinyan forcefully. He glanced at her, who was sitting on the bed quietly.

She clenched the blanket tightly, and her palms were wet with sweat. The policeman has too many men with him. No matter how powerful Zong Jinghao is, he won’t be able to defeat them while ensuring my safety.

Contrary to her thoughts, her face displayed no hint of fear or anxiety.

I won’t be worried if I’m not pregnant because I have absolute faith in him. But now… my pregnancy has added to his worries.

Zong Jinghao asked her, “Are you scared?”

She shook her head. “All my kids are very tough.”

When she was carrying Lin Ruixi and Lin Xichen, she had met with a car accident, fell down and even jumped down from a speeding car. But both her children were fine.

The policeman mustered up his courage. “I’m acting in accordance with the law. No one can stop me. Take the suspect away!”

That man ran forward, and the others behind him followed suit.

Zong Jinghao stood still. He had unbuttoned his suit already. With his tall and imposing frame, he emitted an ominous presence as he stood beside the bed. Suddenly, he whipped out a gun and pointed it at the policeman.

At this moment, another group of men barged into the ward and surrounded the policeman and his accomplices. Someone warned, “Be still. Otherwise, I may shoot you accidentally.” Shen Peichuan walked forward.

He and his men had arrived just in the nick of time after receiving the news from Zong Jinghao’s bodyguards.

“Tell me, who are you working for?” Zong Jinghao pressed the gun firmly against the area between the policeman’s brows.

Shen Peichuan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Lin Xinyan was alright.

Captain Chen reports to Wen Qing. But he isn’t here today. This means that today’s incident has nothing to do with Wen Qing. Although Wen Qing’s injury isn’t life-threatening, he may not have the energy to set this up.

The warrant fell from the policeman’s trembling hands onto the ground. He pleaded for his life, “I’m… I’m only acting under orders. I’m given an order to arrest her… I can’t defy the order…”

“So you aren’t going to tell me?” Zong Jinghao put his finger on the trigger.


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