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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 445

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 445

After getting out of the elevator, Zong Jinghao walked towards his car. Just then, a car sped over and stopped beside Zong Jinghao’s car.

The door of the car soon opened, and a guy got out of it before walking over to Zong Jinghao. “Where are you headed?” asked Shen Peichuan.

Zong Jinghao was actually on his way to talk to Shen Peichuan, but the former didn’t tell the latter that. Instead, Zong Jinghao simply stared at the man before him quietly. It was as if Zong Jinghao was waiting for Shen Peichuan to confess. Or perhaps Zong Jinghao was just waiting for Shen Peichuan’s update on the He Ruilin case.

For some reason, Shen Peichuan felt guilty all of a sudden. I didn’t actually do anything wrong, right? So why can’t I get myself to look him in the eye?

Shen Peichuan never told Zong Jinghao about how he accompanied Lin Xinyan to deal with some matters. Lin Xinyan asked for Shen Peichuan’s help because she trusted him, thus he couldn’t say anything without her permission.

Shen Peichuan had his head down when he happened to see a tiny pebble on the floor, he kicked and played with it as he informed, “I’m here to tell you that I’ve found out who murdered He Ruilin, but I haven’t got in touch with the murderer, so what do we do now?”

Zong Jinghao’s tone was calm when he asked, “Are you guilty of something?”

“Huh? W-what could I be guilty of?” blurted Shen Peichuan, who snapped his head up suddenly.

D-did he discover something?

Zong Jinghao chuckled and replied, “Look at you, you’re white with fear. I was just kidding. Why are you so nervous?”

Shen Peichuan rubbed his nose a little and insisted, “I’m not nervous. I just thought that you phrased your words rather strangely.”

Zong Jinghao simply grinned at that. He then walked towards his car and said, “Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?” asked Shen Peichuan with a confused look on his face.

“You said you found a lead, so shouldn’t we push further? Or are you going to wait until after the holidays and let the murderer flee?” said Zong Jinghao as he pressed a button and unlocked the car with a beep. He then got into the car, and Shen Peichuan hurried in afterward.

“Won’t we lose our element of surprise if we go ahead and arrest the perpetrator now?” asked Shen Peichuan. He was a little worried because only powerful figures could afford to bribe those people.

“How are we going to draw the mastermind out if we don’t make some noise?” refuted Zong Jinghao as he turned to Shen Peichuan.

Shen Peichuan thought that what Zong Jinghao said made sense, so he replied, “I’ll have my people get her somewhere private.”

Zong Jinhao frowned. “The murderer is a woman?”

Shen Peichuan nodded. “We can’t make too much noise though, lest the murderer gets silenced before we get to interrogate her.”

The years he had spent in the force hadn’t been in vain. Even though he didn’t hold any important or official titles, he had a lot of people on his side.

Zong Jinghao didn’t say anything. That was his way of agreeing with Shen Peichuan.

Shen Peichuan fished his phone out and made a few calls to send some instructions. He ended his conversation with, “And hurry. We’ll be there shortly.”

He only hung up after he received a reply.

After that, he leaned against the backrest casually when he asked, “Did you really have too much to drink last night?”

Is he testing me?

Zong Jinghao turned to Shen Peichuan and gave him an ambiguous answer, “What do you think?”

Shen Peichuan was speechless at that.

He wasn’t an idiot, and Zong Jinghao’s attitude meant that the latter must know at least something about it. “You and your wife will be the death of me,” murmured Shen Peichuan before he deliberately threw some shade in his remark. “It makes sense, I guess. You were drunk, but you’re not a pig, so it’s not like you’d suddenly turn that stupid.”

I can’t blatantly point the obvious out and have to endure Zong Jinghao’s weird behavior. What the hell is up with this couple? Do they see me as a fool? And who have I offended to be cursed into a crappy social situation like this?

“You’re getting pettier with your old age,” commented Zong Jinghao as he parked the car. The two men then got out of it.

The wardens stood behind the tall gates of the prison in B City. There was a small door at the right side of the gate, and everyone went in and out via that door. The gate rarely opened in its entirety. Shen Peichuan walked ahead to lead the way, and Zong Jinghao stood back because he trusted that the former could do a good job.

Shen Peichuan was familiar with the place, so he immediately headed to the guardhouse and informed, “I’m here to talk to a prisoner.”

The guard knew who Shen Peichuan was because he would drop by every now and then. Hence, the guard didn’t ask many questions before letting them in.


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