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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 447

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 447

In other words, Chen Qing might be ranked higher, but Wen Qing was the one who held real power. He even had his own subordinates to command.

“I don’t know yet,” replied Zong Jinghao. He hadn’t come up with a solution to deal with the matter at hand.

Wen Qing was the mastermind behind everything, so it didn’t matter if they had dealt with Chen Qing. The problem would persist unless Wen Qing was stopped.

Zong Jinghao didn’t want to drag it out, so he would not attack unless he was sure that he could end it in one strike.

Shen Peichuan gave it some thought before pointing out, “I think it would be easy to deal with Chen Qing since we have evidence on him, but Wen Qing…” He paused before adding, “Xinyan had given birth to two of your kids and is now pregnant with your third child. The murder case is burdening her, and that can’t be healthy. I don’t think you should overthink this.”

What Shen Peichuan had wanted to say, however, was that Zong Jinghao didn’t need to show any mercy because Wen Qing wasn’t his biological uncle anyway.

And Wen Xian wasn’t Zong Jinghao’s biological mother either.

Zong Jinghao didn’t turn to Shen Peichuan, nor did he show any change in emotion on his face. It was as if he never heard a word Shen Peichuan said.

In actuality, Zong Jinghao heard and registered every word, he simply didn’t react to them. He wasn’t hesitating because he still cared about Wen Qing. In fact, Zong Jinghao had made things clear with Wen Qing the last time the latter went to the office.

The problem now was that their evidence was against Chen Qing, not Wen Qing, and there was nothing Zong Jinghao could do if Chen Qing remained loyal to Wen Qing.

The only way to get to Wen Qing was if Chen Qing confessed and claimed that Wen Qing was the mastermind.

Zong Jinghao narrowed his eyes as if he were deep in thought.

Shen Peichuan understood that some things were easier said than done.

Zong Jinghao is human, after all, and he has his own emotions and thoughts. It’s normal for him to hesitate to go all out and battle against the man he used to call his uncle.

Besides, he doesn’t even know that Wen Qing is not his biological uncle, so he must be struggling a lot, thought Shen Peichuan.

Both men were completely out of sync.

“Go talk to He Wenhuai,” instructed Zong Jinghao all of a sudden.

Shen Peichuan’s eyes bulged, “Did you figure out a solution?”

“Don’t reveal the truth about He Ruilin’s death, and look into He Ruize’s death. I want to know if he made a deal with Chen Qing or Wen Qing.”

Zong Jinghao had a plan, and it didn’t matter who He Ruize talked to before he died, the one thing that Zong Jinghao needed to know was what role He Wenhuai played in He Ruize’s death.

Zong Jinghao’s guess was that He Wenhuai never knew the whole truth and that the latter was just a pawn in Chen Qing’s game.

After all, no father would be okay with sacrificing his son unless the father was a psychopath to begin with. He Wenhuai might also help Chen Qing if the former was offered something ridiculously grand, but that was not likely. The He family was a family of business tycoons, and there wasn’t much Chen Qing could offer him.

Moreover, what could Chen Qing possibly offer to get He Wenhuai to sacrifice two lives?

It was likely that there were still a lot of details that even Wen Qing didn’t know about.

“Okay, stop the car. I’ll get off here,” said Shen Peichuan.

Zong Jinghao parked the car at the side and requested, “Call me if you learn anything.”

Shen Peichuan got out of the car and closed the door before he said, “I will. You go on ahead, I’ll grab a cab from here.”

Zong Jinghao nodded to Shen Peichuan before driving away.

Zong Jinghao later checked his watch and noticed that it was already afternoon, so he didn’t go back to his office. Instead, he went straight home.

Li Zhan was leaning against the railing of the garden when he saw the car heading over. He stood up and waved Zong Jinghao’s car down.

“What are you doing here?” asked Zong Jinghao as he got out of the car.


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