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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 468

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 468

Lin Xinyan leaned over and saw the details on the paper. Her twins’ last names had been changed to Zong, and their names were now Zong Yanchen and Zong Yanxi.

She turned her head slightly to look at him. The man had thick lashes and a gentle profile.

Facing downward, Zong Jinghao gently kissed her cheek and said softly, “Do you like it? Now their names take after both of ours.”

“Yeah.” Lin Xinyan responded.

Hanging on the ceiling, a chandelier exuded a silent but warm atmosphere with its faint yellow light.

The two nestled against each other, saying nothing. Eventually, it was Lin Xinyan who broke the silence. “Are you busy tomorrow?”

“Hmm?” The man lowered his gaze.

Lin Xinyan’s nose brushed against his chin as she looked up. “I was hoping you’d keep me company.” She remarked coyly. “We haven’t been to any date, traveled as a couple or watched a movie together ever since I married you. What a tough life I have.”

A rare smile appeared on Zong Jinghao’s face. “You have me; is that not enough?” He asked softly.

“Well, if you don’t have time for me, I can always find another hunk to keep me com— Ahh!”

Before she could finish, Zong Jinghao bit into her shoulder so hard that teeth marks appeared on her skin. “I’d like to see you try.” He warned.

Lin Xinyan frowned in pain. She didn’t have to glance at her shoulder to know there were definitely marks on it. “That hurt! Are you trying to bite me to death?” She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Don’t worry. You won’t die before I do.” He answered dully. “If anything, I’d be the one who goes first. I’ll wander until it’s time to drag you down with me. It’d be lonely going to hell on my own anyway.”

Lin Xinyan was speechless.

“Can you really do that?”

Zong Jinghao wrapped his arms around her slender waist. “Of course. You’re my wife in this life and the next.”

Lin Xinyan fell silent again.

Knock, knock.

Someone knocked on the door to the study room at this time.

It was Aunt Yu. “Dinner time!”

Lin Xinyan looked up at Zong Jinghao. “I’m hungry.”

The man got up while cradling her waist. “Let’s go.”

With a smile, she walked out of the room while holding onto him. Meanwhile, their daughter were chasing Su Zhan around the house while Shen Peichuan plopped himself on the couch lazily with his arms splayed out, watching the scene. “Can you really outrun her?”

Su Zhan took the time to glance at him. “For a while.”

Lin Xichen sighed faintly while seated on the couch, wondering why his Uncle Su was as mischievous as a child.

Shen Peichuan caressed his hair. “Why are you sighing so much at this age? That might make you bald.”

The boy looked up at the man. “I’ll never be worse off than you, so don’t worry about me.”

Shen Peichuan was speechless.

How am I doing badly?

“Who says I’m doing bad?” Shen Peichuan sat up.

“I’d surely be married at your age, so it doesn’t matter if I turn bald then. Being bald is still better than not having a wife, right?”

Shen Peichuan was speechless again.

What have I done to deserve this?

Why does he have to attack me this way?

Life is hard.


Lin Ruixi pounced on Zong Jinghao and buried her head in his arms as the man walked out of the study room. “Uncle Su’s picking on me, Daddy.” She whined.

Lin Xinyan glanced at her daughter and shook her head helplessly. This child always acted so coquettishly with her father. While wondering if every daughter was more attached to their father, the woman headed into the kitchen to help Aunt Yu.

Zong Jinghao placed an arm around his daughter and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “What did he do?” He asked softly.

Lin Ruixi’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Uncle Su asked if I was smart.”

“Mhm? Then?” The man carried his daughter to the dining table, pulled out a chair and sat down.

The girl lowered her head and twiddled her thumbs, refusing to answer.

Lin Xichen walked over and climbed onto a chair before giving an account of how Su Zhan had teased his sister earlier. It was, “Are you smart, Ruixi?”

“Of course.” The twin sister proudly answered with a giggle.

“Let me ask you one question. You’re a smart girl if you can answer me.”

“Okay!” The innocent girl replied confidently. Su Zhan added, “You only need to answer with a yes or no.”

“Got it!”


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