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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 476

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 476

Lin Xinyan found it necessary to inform them that their names had been changed.

After rehearsing in her mind, she said to the children in a soft voice, “Our country has a long history of five thousand years. Since ancient times, there has been a tradition whereby the children follow their father’s last name. I didn’t have time to tell you before, but your daddy and I have changed your last names.”

Glancing up at her, Lin Xichen chewed his food carefully and swallowed it before saying, “So this is what you wanted to tell us?”

Lin Xinyan nodded. Noticing that he did not seem surprised at all, Lin Xinyan asked, “You knew it already?”

No one’s supposed to know about this.

How did he find out?

Lin Xichen took another piece of steamed cake and put it into his mouth. “No, I didn’t, but I know that it is just a matter of time before we change our last names. I’ve also found out that everyone is using their fathers’ last names. Only Ruixi and I are the special ones. But now we’re not special anymore, and no one will think that Daddy is in a matrilocal marriage.”

Lin Xinyan was rendered speechless.

How is he so well-informed that he even knows about matrilocal marriage?

Hearing Lin Xichen’s words, Lin Ruixi, who had been eating, blinked her eyes and asked curiously, “What does a matrilocal marriage mean?”

Without the need to think, Lin Xichen answered in a serious manner, “Usually, it’s a woman who marries into a man’s family, as in it’ll only be normal for Mommy to marry into Daddy’s family. But in a matrilocal marriage, it’s the other way around. For example, Daddy married into Mommy’s family, so Daddy is in a matrilocal marriage.”

Lin Ruixi was confused. What man and woman? Who marries whom? Shaking her head, she did not bother to make sense of it but just asked, “Does that mean we no longer have ‘Lin’ as our last name now?”

“Of course.” Lin Xichen raised his chin and continued, “You can ask Mommy.”

Lin Xinyan stared at her son in amusement. Where did he hear all this from?

“Mommy, we’re using Daddy’s last name from now on, right?” The little girl spoke with her mouth full, making her words garbled.

Lin Xinyan patted her daughter on the head and replied seriously, “Yes, your last name is now ‘Zong,’ and there are some slight changes in your first names. Your name becomes Zong Yanxi, while Xichen’s is now Zong Yanchen. In the future, you will introduce yourselves using your new names, okay?”

“But you still called us by our original names. You didn’t use the new ones,” the little girl said matter-of-factly.

Lin Xinyan sighed. She has really changed. In the past, she used to be ignorant and knew nothing other than eating. Yet now, she has become so articulate.

Although she’s still clueless sometimes, she’s much more expressive than before.

As Lin Xinyan stared at her son, she wondered, Is it true that people get influenced by the company they keep? Is that why she became like him after having spent so much time with him?

“I’ve been calling both of you by those names for five years, so it has become a habit. But I’ll try my best to adapt to your new names as soon as possible,” she said solemnly to her daughter.

The little girl took a few sips of milk to wash down the food in her mouth. “What would you call me from now on? Yanxi? Or Xi?” She blinked her eyes and remarked earnestly, “It doesn’t sound as nice as my previous name, though.”

“Hurry up and eat. It will sound better after some time. There are even people who are named Ergouzi, but they just get used to it as time goes by.”

The little girl almost spat out the milk in her mouth as she looked at Lin Xinyan in disbelief. “Those parents are quite irresponsible to give their children such a horrendous name.”

“Everyone loves their children. People in the past had traditional beliefs in which they thought that giving their children a lowly name would make it easier to raise them,” Lin Xinyan patiently explained to her daughter to let her know that all parents loved their children. The only difference was the way they showed their love.

After breakfast, Lin Xinyan left with the two children. As she had no luggage, she didn’t need to pack anything. She only came with a coat and a handbag that contained some money and her card, which were essential, especially when she had two children with her. The other thing that she had brought along was the document Wen Xian left her.


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