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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 478

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 478

Shao Yun didn’t reveal his age directly. Instead, he looked at the boy and asked, “How old do you think I am?”

While speaking, he straightened his collar and adjusted his facial expression, trying to make himself look younger.

Lin Xichen blinked and deliberately said, “Thirty years old?”


Pleased by Lin Xichen’s reply, Shao Yun let out a hearty laugh.

Next to Lin Xinyan, Lin Ruixi’s expression changed upon hearing her brother’s words. She then shot her brother an amused look. Does he not feel a prick of conscience for telling lies like this?

Thirty years old?

More like sixty, I’d say.

“You witty kid. Thirty is a little too young. Say forty next time. Like people often say, men in their forties blossom like flowers.”

Lin Xichen rolled his eyes at him inwardly. How could there be such a shameless person? Flowers? More like tofu dregs.

After that, Shao Yun did not continue to joke with Lin Xichen. Instead, he looked at Lin Xinyan with a very serious expression and said, “I’m Shao Yun.”

Then, he took out his wallet from his pocket and showed her his identification card. “This is my ID card, my driver’s license…”

Lin Xinyan didn’t take it and merely took a glance. It did have the words ‘Shao Yun’ written on it, so she apologized for her skeptical attitude earlier, “I’m so sorry. I have two kids with me, so I was being more careful. Please don’t take it to heart.”

Shao Yun hurriedly waved his hand. “It’s okay. No worries. Let’s go upstairs first. This isn’t the place to talk.”

Nodding in agreement, Lin Xinyan followed him into the elevator with her kids.

After Shao Yun pressed the button for his floor, he looked down at Lin Xichen. “How should I call you?”

“My name is Zong Yanchen.” Zong Yanchen pointed at his sister. “This is my younger sister. She’s Zong Yanxi.”

Their last name is Zong?

I remember that this is the last name of Wen Xian’s husband.

“I see.” He glanced at Lin Xinyan before adding, “You’re from B City, aren’t you?”

Although it was a question, his tone was affirmative.

“Yes,” replied Lin Xinyan.

Hearing that, the nonchalant side of him was replaced by the serious one all of a sudden. At this moment, the elevator stopped and he walked out first. “This is the office area. Come this way.”

Lin Xinyan led the children out of the elevator.

After taking them to his office, Shao Yun asked her directly, “Am I right to assume that you came to me because you need my help?”

Opening an exquisite metal box on the table, he took out a cigar and put it between his lips before lighting it.

“Um, I’m sorry. There’s something I want to ask you, but the smell of tobacco makes me sick, so can we talk first?” Lin Xinyan frowned slightly. Because of her pregnancy, she was very sensitive to the smell of tobacco.

Shao Yun looked at her and then at the cigar that was about to be lit. In the end, he took the cigar from his lips and put it out before placing it back into the box. He gestured to Lin Xinyan to have a seat. “Let’s sit down and talk.”

Nodding, Lin Xinyan patted her son on the shoulder and whispered, “Bring your sister to play at the door. Don’t stray too far.”


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