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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 492

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 492

Cheng Yuxiu was dead, and that was something she could not change. The only thing she could now do was to introduce the Tea Silk of the Cheng family to a greater audience. That way, it would have the glory it used to have. She did not want it to disappear from the world because of that one person.

Perhaps, this was the only thing she could do to make herself feel better about it.

Shao Yun knitted his brows, not understanding her words. However, Lin Xinyan did not plan to explain to him either. The story was too long and complicated to be explained briefly. Hence, she cheekily uttered, “Don’t frown. You’ll become ugly.”

Shao Yun loved to be praised as a young and handsome man, so Lin Xinyan successfully made him laugh. “Why don’t we have dinner with everyone here tonight? I’ll make arrangements. Does that sound good to you?”

As if fearing Lin Xinyan would reject him, he added, “Both the embroidery studio and the textile factory are running smoothly now despite their small scale. Hence, we should celebrate, shouldn’t we?”

Instead of killing his mood, she answered, “Sure. Please make the arrangements.”

“Wise decision. Not only should you pay them appropriately, but you should also express your gratitude once in a while. That way, they’ll work harder,” Shao Yun whispered into Lin Xinyan’s ears.

He often seemed goofy, as that was his personality, but he was a capable man.

At five in the evening, the staff got off work. There were eleven staff members on the third floor, and twenty on the second. In total, there were over thirty of them. Shao Yun made arrangements for three tables in a luxurious hotel, and everyone seemed merry.

Lin Xinyan had picked up her children as well, who were both seated beside Qin Ya and her. As for socializing, Lin Xinyan had left it in the good hands of Shao Yun; she did not do well in a social gathering like this.

The ones seated by her table were the ones working on the third floor, and they were mostly women who did not drink. Qin Ya opened a bottle of white wine and placed it in front of Li Xin. “Don’t be shy if you can drink. We’re all women here, so we can’t drink with you. Drink slowly if you’re drinking. Don’t get drunk because no one can take care of you.”

Li Xin was a quiet man, and he was not a lover of wine. He raised his head to look at Qin Ya before returning the bottle to her. “I don’t want it to affect my work tomorrow.”

Qin Ya lifted a brow but said nothing about it.

On the other hand, the other two tables were lively. With Shao Yun around, the men chatted away.

Zong Yanchen took some food and put it in his mother’s bowl. “Mommy, you should eat more.”

She was already three months into her pregnancy, but she had yet to gain weight.

The boy was worried.

Lin Xinyan smiled as she patted his head. I’m glad to have him. It doesn’t matter how difficult my life was. He’s a gift from God.

Not wanting to lose out to her brother, Zong Yanxi quickly took some food for Lin Xinyan as well. “Mommy, you should eat more. Let the baby in you grow faster.”

This time, she was not jealous of her brother. After all, she had decided to stick with Zong Yanchen and learn from him.

“If I eat too much, I’ll become fat and ugly. Won’t you dislike me looking like that when I send you to school in the future?”

A while back, she had seen a parenting article in a magazine. She could not remember the name of the magazine anymore, but she remembered an article in it. It was a story of a working mom. While she was not doing physical labor, her job included regular visits to the workshop. Usually, her mother-in-law was the one to pick up the boy. However, one day, something happened, and the mother-in-law could not pick her grandson up from school. With no other options, she took an hour’s leave to pick him up. Her company had a rule—anyone in the workshop had to wear a worker’s uniform. As she was in a rush, she did not change out of the worker’s uniform. Her uniform was not completely stain-free; her company produced machinery, so oil stains were inevitable.

That was what she looked like when she came to pick her son up.

In the car, her son asked his mother, “Can you wear something cleaner when you pick me up next time?”


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