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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 515

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 515

There were some rather nasty comments online as well, most of which had been directed at Sang Yu.

After just a brief glance, he found many nasty comments saying that Sang Yu went around leveraging on her youth to seduce other men.

There were other comments accusing her of being shameless, of selling herself out in exchange for glory and more…

Since he knew that reading further would only anger him more, he didn’t continue. After exiting the airport and getting into a taxi, Shen Peichuan instructed the driver, “To Hua Qing University, please.”

Su Zhan reached out and gave the driver a pat on the back. “Don’t listen to him. We’re going to Number 1 Mansion.”

Shen Peichuan’s brows furrowed. “I’m not going home,” he said. I’ve got to go see how Sang Yu is doing.

It was now Su Zhan’s turn to think of his friend as a fool. Glancing at his friend, Su Zhan snorted, “You’re only causing her troubles if you go looking for her now. Think about it, how would it look like if you were to turn up at her school? What would other people think? Doing that will only serve to affirm the relationship they think the two of you share. You’re a guy, so this won’t really affect you. However, have you thought of how she would feel? How other people will think of her?”

After calming down. Shen Peichuan came to realize that his friend was right. Turning up at her school now would only worsen things further.

“Give me her address. I’ll go look for her while you go home and freshen up first,” Su Zhan suggested.

Shen Peichuan clapped his friend on the back. “Thanks. I wasn’t thinking clearly earlier.”

Su Zhan immediately shrugged off his hand in disgust. “You’re thanking me? Who do you take me for?”

Shen Peichuan grinned. He knew this was just how his friend was and didn’t take what he said to heart. Deep down, however, he was anxiously mulling over about when the news had broken out, how bad the situation was, and if the station had gotten wind of this. I definitely need to go home, freshen up and calm down. Only then will I be able to face what comes next with a clear mind.

Soon, the car rolled to a stop outside Shen Peichuan’s house. Su Zhan stayed in the car and confirmed Sang Yu’s address with Shen Peichuan once more. They had to resolve this matter as soon as possible. After all, gossip was a fearsome thing.

It would be detrimental to either party if this were to drag on for too long.

Shen Peichuan wanted to know how Sang Yu was doing recently as well. “Once you reach the guard post, tell them that you’re looking for a first-year student named Sang Yu. Someone will go inform her.” Shen Peichuan instructed.

“Okay,” Su Zhan replied, “Don’t worry, you’ve got me on the case, haven’t you? If worse comes to worst, there’s still Jinghao. The public relations department in his company isn’t just for show. They’ve encountered all kinds of tricky situations and yet, they always manage to pull through.”

Shen Peichuan gave his friend a light punch in the shoulder. At that moment, there was no need for words to convey his gratitude.

“Don’t you get all decent on me now,” Su Zhan snorted as he gave Shen Peichuan an upward nod, “I’ll head over there now.” He then told the driver to start driving. After everything that they had been through together, he was certainly more than willing to do this for Shen Peichuan.

During the journey there, the taxi driver looked into the rear mirror and asked, “That guy back there… He’s the man in the news, isn’t he?”

Su Zhan was at a loss for words for some time.

“Do you actually have time to watch the news while driving?” Su Zhan asked. Does everybody know about this now?”

The driver grinned. “I look at my phone sometimes when I’m free. The story is rather eye-catching. That’s why it’s been spreading so fast.”

That’s true, Su Zhan thought, Who wouldn’t be interested in a story regarding an older man “hooking up” with a University student?

After all, there are lots of people trolling online nowadays simply because they have nothing better to do. They just love to pick fights online for no reason at all.

“It’s mainly because of who my friend is. Tell me, is dating someone younger against the law? There aren’t any laws saying that you can’t do that, am I right?”


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