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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 517

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 517

Judging from how much Sang Yu cared for Shen Peichuan, there was no way Su Zhan would believe that she was not attracted to him. They must be into each other as they would not have made out so passionately in public otherwise.

Sang Yu inferred from his expression and guessed as much what was on his mind. She explained, “I must have gotten Chief Shen into trouble. This is probably going to affect him badly, am I right?”

“Most definitely I think. After all, his status is quite special.” Su Zhan was very perceptive when it comes to people so he intended to exaggerate the gravity of the situation in order to guilt-trip Sang Yu. He reckoned that by doing so, it ought to be able to help accelerate the development of the relationship between Shen Peichuan and her.

He then quietly thought to himself that he might just be the best person ever, as no one else in the world would possibly have devoted as much effort towards securing his buddy’s future happiness as he did. Su Zhan felt that anyone who could deservedly hail him as a friend must have had attained some good karma.

“At best, Shen Peichuan might be getting a tongue lashing right now… and at worst, it could dampen his career prospects,” Su Zhan sighed as he purposely made things sound dismal.

Sang Yu bit her lip as she felt at fault for dragging Shen Peichuan down.

It did not take much from Su Zhan to reduce the young and impressionable Sang Yu to a bundle of nerves as she fell for his ruse easily. “Would I be able to see him?”

Su Zhan said, “I’ll have to take you to see someone first. We could contact him now but I’m not sure if he’d be able to make himself available.”

With that, the duo left the school compound and stood together by the roadside as they waited for a ride. He turned to Sang Yu, “I’ll be looking to you for your cooperation should the need arises.”

“You can count on me for anything that would offer Chief Shen some relief,” Sang Yu responded quickly as she was worried Su Zhan might doubt her commitment were she to appear indecisive.

“Relax. I’m sure we’ll be able to help him.” Su Zhan smiled broadly. When he noticed the paleness on Sang Yu’s face, he was concerned that he might have saddled her with too much pressure.

A taxi approached and Su Zhan raised his hand to flag it down. He opened the door for Sang Yu and followed her in after he saw that she was properly seated. As he closed the door, he looked ahead and said, “To Wanyue Group.”

“Sure,” replied the driver. Soon, the taxi was on its way.

En route to Wanyue, Su Zhan began to introduce himself to Sang Yu, “You already know that Peichuan and I are close friends.”

Sang Yu nodded. Preoccupied about Shen Peichuan’s well-being, she held her hands together in unease.

“Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Su Zhan. You can call me Su Zhan just as Peichuan does. I’m a lawyer by profession at my own firm, but I have not been handling cases personally for a while now.”

Sang Yu listened to Su Zhan but pursed her lips without replying. That day at the shop, she had already known that the three of them were no ordinary individuals.

“How about you? Why don’t you tell me about yourself?” Su Zhan smiled as he asked.

Sang Yu instinctively kept her head bowed, self-conscious of the fact that she did not walk in the same social circles as them. She replied meekly, “I don’t have any relatives. My father is dead and my mother is currently serving out a prison sentence.”

Su Zhan did not probe Shen Peichuan about Sang Yu’s background as he was not particularly class conscious. He thought that given a choice anyone would have wished for both of their parents to be present so that they may have a happy childhood growing up with a complete family.

He understood that when it comes to circumstances surrounding one’s birth, no one gets to choose what family they would be born in. Outsiders may envy that he was young, good-looking, successful, and seemed to lack for nothing save a woman to marry and start a family with. But even he too had struggles of his own that he would rather not speak of.

Su Zhan placed a reassuring hand on Sang Yu’s shoulder, “We are not so different, you and I. Beneath mere appearances, we are all human beings with our fair share of struggles.”

He usually came across as articulate and highly competent, able to dissect matters with clarity and handle them dependably. But when it came to dealing with Qin Ya, he just could not seem to get anything right.

Due to Su Zhan’s talent for conversations, Sang Yu had become visibly less nervous.


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