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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 519

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 519

Liu instantly felt a pang of regret. He was not sure if bringing Sang Yu here was the right decision. He looked at her helplessly, hoping that things would not turn into a total disaster.

“Good luck,” he said, sending her in.

Sang Yu looked at him and nodded. She pushed the door opened and went in. Inside the room, a huge and dark-colored table sat right in the middle, making the atmosphere seemed heavy and serious.

Shen Peichuan’s brows knitted the moment he saw Sang Yu. What on earth is she doing here?

“Get out, you have nothing to do here.” His voice echoed sternly in the cold air.

Sang Yu rubbed her hands nervously as she stood by the door. Her heart pounded heavily as she looked at Captain Song, but she stood her ground. “Everything happened because of me, I feel that I have a need to come here and explain things,” Sang Yu said.

Captain Song scoffed and replied, “Sure. Since Shen Peichuan refused to say a single word, why don’t you tell me what happened?”

“This has nothing to do with him, I was the one who initiated it,” Sang Yu admitted.

The captain raised his brows as he found the girl amusing. He leaned into his chair and questioned, “But the two of you were hugging in the photo. How is it possible that he has nothing to do with it? He’s someone who has a good name to keep. Do you know what kind of effect this would bring onto him?”

Sang Yu did not know how to explain the photos. But she knew things were really serious.

Nevertheless, she clenched her fist and insisted, “I don’t care if you believe me, but I won’t change what I say because it’s true. I’m the one at fault here and I hope you won’t punish Chief Shen.”

To everyone’s surprise, Captain Song chuckled and looked at the two of them. The stern look he had on his face just mere moments ago vanished all of a sudden.

He knew Shen Peichuan’s character and that he would never do something like this. Captain Song knew there must be some misunderstanding the very moment he saw the news.

But as a public officer, this kind of scandal will tarnish Shen Peichuan’s reputation, and the public might mistake this as an abuse of power. People might think that he was trying to get his way around with women.

Sang Yu was getting anxious because Captain Song was not saying anything but staring at them. She finally lost it and cried out, “I know I’m young, but I’m legally an adult. Chief Shen is still not married, is there a problem with us dating? Is this against the law?”

Shen Peichuan was bewildered. “Sang Yu, I…”

“I just don’t understand why people have to keep coming at you as if it were your fault! I’ve already told them a hundred times that I was the one who did it, but nobody would believe me! Everyone is so hard-headed that they never want to listen to me!” Sang Yu did not wait for Shen Peichuan to say a word before she unleashed a tirade of frustration.

Captain Song frowned and commented, “I didn’t know she’s this stubborn.”

Right at this moment, someone opened the office door in a rush and whispered something in Captain Song’s ear.

His smile vanished and the captain’s face became serious again. “Alright, you may go now,” the captain said after letting out a sigh of relief.

He moved his mouse around and starting typing away on his keyboard after the officer left. True to the officer’s word, he could no longer find anything about Shen Peichuan on the internet.

Instead, the person who first released the photos came forward with a statement, saying that the photos were edited because that person held a grudge against Sang Yu and wanted to get back at her. An apology for causing disruption was also directed towards the public and all public officers in the statement.

It seemed like Su Zhan found the culprit who first uploaded the photos and got the person to issue a statement after talking things through with the school. As a lawyer, Su Zhan handled the whole issue flawlessly without doing any damage to Shen Peichuan and Sang Yu. Regardless of whether the photos were real, the issue was solved in the end. Besides, the Department of Public Relations had also communicated with many media companies about pulling down those photos. Even related keywords were no longer available on Weibo.

Given the circumstance, things would die down in days.

As long as the public stopped talking about it, the issue would eventually fade away. Given how there was other interesting news that would gain attention on a daily basis, the people would soon find another compelling story to talk about.

Meanwhile, Shen Peichuan was still trying to figure out what was going on.

The captain had told him that he would be punished, but it was taking unusually long for the former to say how he would be punished.

“Captain Song, this is negligence on my part. I promise this won’t happen again. Is it okay if you let her go first?” Shen Peichuan inquired politely as he looked at Sang Yu from the corner of his eye.


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