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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 524

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 524

The cafe was near Lin Xinyan’s neighborhood. After they arrived, Zong Jinghao realized that the street was lined with restaurants. Turning behind, he asked his daughter, “Which restaurant is it?”

Zong Yanxi leaned against the window as she checked out the street.

At that moment, Zong Jinghao saw a restaurant carrying a huge signage which displayed “Crab Casseroles”. However, he also spotted the car which was parked in front of the store. It was the same car that Qin Ya drove, and he guessed that Lin Xinyan and Qin Ya were at this restaurant too.

Just as he wondered how to persuade his daughter on a change of restaurants, he saw the two ladies exiting the place.

They had arrived earlier and were done with their meal by then. This was the time when it would start to get crowded.

Zong Yanxi yelled for her mother when she spotted her. Fortunately, the car windows were wound up and the car was soundproof too, and hence, Lin Xinyan could not hear her.

Zong Yanchen quickly nudged his sister, “Did you forget what Daddy said? We came here secretly. Mom can’t know about this.”

She suddenly widened her eyes in realization and looked at her brother. “I forgot about that!”

Meanwhile, Zong Yanchen seemed rather used to his daughter’s unorthodox behavior and remained silent.

Lin Xinyan got into the car and shortly after, they drove out of the parking spot.

At the same time, Zong Yanxi glued herself against the car window as she watched her mother’s car drive past them. Pouting her lips, she muttered, “If only we could let Mom know about this. We can then have a meal as a family!”

Zong Yanchen truly acted like the elder brother as he pulled his sister into an embrace. We will definitely live together happily ever after.

This was definitely not a good subject to bring up. Zong Jinghao did not want to talk about it when he was with his children. After all, he felt really bad about the situation.

He parked the car in front of the restaurant and opened the back door. As he carried his daughter out of the car, he could feel how big and tall she had gotten.

Zong Yanchen did not need much babysitting and got down the car on his own. In fact, it was the same for his sister. However, she was used to being coquettish in front of her father and enjoyed clinging to him. She liked that he would hug her, even though she was considered a big kid by now.

The restaurant was not a large place but the ambiance was wonderful. It was slightly crowded at lunch hour and they had some difficulties getting a seat. Luckily, there was still an empty spot in the corner and the trio settled down there. Zong Yanxi started to order off the menu. Naturally, she got the crab casserole and congee. She turned to tell Zong Jinghao, “Mom likes the congee here.”

Lin Xinyan’s palette was similar to Zong Jinghao’s, and they liked food with a mild taste. Initially, the kids followed suit but after a few trips with Qin Ya, they gradually grew to love spicy food too.

Zong Yanxi almost teared from the spice during their first time.

However, the dishes served here were not especially spicy. Only first-time patronizes would find it so, and one would slowly get numb to the spice.

Zong Jinghao stroked his daughter’s head and said, “Order whatever you want.”

The young girl flashed him a smile and asked obediently, “Can I get an ice cream after this?”

Normally, Lin Xinyan would not allow her to do so, especially since too much cold food would be bad for the stomach. In autumn, one might even get diarrhea from having too much ice cream. But it was summer now, which was the perfect time for ice cream.

A summer without ice cream would be meaningless, wouldn’t it?

Zong Jinghao lifted his daughter’s chin as he observed her features. She resembled Lin Xinyan more and more, especially in the eyes. They were sparkling and turned into an almond shape when she smiled. However, her nose and lips resembled his.

Zong Jinghao tried to reason with her, “Mom doesn’t allow you to eat too much ice cream because it’s for your own good. You have to be a good girl, alright? Let’s not have ice cream. We should stay healthy.”

Immediately, Zong Yanxi pulled a long face and she pouted her lips. “I only want a little bit of ice cream. Mom is already so strict with us. Are you going to take away that little happiness and joy left in us, Daddy?”

“You will be happy when you have ice cream?” Zong Jinghao frowned.


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