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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 529

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 529

Su Zhan couldn’t finish the song because his voice cracked halfway through the chorus of the song.

Meanwhile, Qin Ya was on the verge of letting loose of her emotions. If Su Zhan were to finish the song, she would definitely leave before he could complete the entire song.

She served Zong Yanxi the dishes and took a peek at Su Zhan, asking in a sarcastic manner, “Sir, pardon me, but you’re not a great singer either. Apart from that, it’s such an old song. I almost puke because of how awful it is. Perhaps you’re able to get your hands on an innocent young woman, but what about the one you’re talking about? How did you manage to deceive her into a relationship with you?”

Su Zhan’s eyes reddened, and he asked in return with a smile, “Do I look like such an unfaithful man?”

Qin Ya chewed the serving of rare steak she served herself. A few seconds later, she spitted it out with a disgusted look, smiling contemptuously. “I’m so sorry.”

She messed around with the steak on her plate and stated, “Look at this steak. Judging by its appearance, it seems like a scrumptious steak. However, I got overly excited previously and consumed it without a second thought. Once I chew on the steak, the stench of blood permeated my mouth. It’s disgusting! I shouldn’t have judged the book by its cover.”

She served Su Zhan a serving of the steak and asked with a grin, “What sort of woman enjoy eating steak of this sort?”

Su Zhan stared at the serving of steak in silence.

“Perhaps the only creature that’s capable of consuming this is a fly. After all, they literally consume everything. I definitely won’t return for a second serving because I’m afraid I’ll pass out due to disquisition and be rushed to the hospital.” She removed the regurgitated serving of steak and added with a smile, “I want to live my life, and enjoy the wonderful parts of the world!”

“Do you really perceive me as such a despicable man?” Su Zhan clenched his fists because he felt demotivated.

Qin Yan’s words morphed into countless sharp blades and pierced through his impregnable heart.

She considers me as a disgusting man? Does that mean things have gotten to the point of no return for us?

He used to be a jerk, but he had never intended to lie to her.

Previously, Su Zhan had gotten married to Qin Ya because he wanted to spend the rest of his life by her side.

“What are you talking about? What does this have to do with you when I’m talking about the meat?” Qin Ya served Zong Yanxi the dishes and urged, “Hurry up and finish your meal. We have to drop by the supermarket and get your mother some preserved radish on our way back. We might not make it if we are late.”

Zong Yanchen lowered his head and helped himself to the dishes that had been served. He couldn’t possibly interfere with their conversation anymore because it had turned into the adults’ affairs. As a minor, he had served his roles.

On the other hand, Zong Jinghao decided to stay out of it and observed the progress of the session. It was evident that the truth had prevailed, turning into an elephant in the room.

“What sort of dishes are you going to prepare?” Zong Jinghao got intrigued by Qin Ya and his son’s conversation.

Does that mean Xinyan is craving for radish related dishes?

“No, we’re not going to prepare any dish. Your wife is the one who’s craving for some preserved radish.” Qin Ya couldn’t figure out what had gotten into her friend’s brain either.

“I’ll head over to the supermarket with you once we’re done,” Zong Jinghao suggested.

Although it sounded like an odd request, he was determined to fulfill his wife’s craving.

Similarly, Qin Ya agreed to allow him to tag along with them to the supermarket because Lin Xinyan was, after all, his wife.

He should play his role as a good husband and fulfill her cravings whenever possible.

Suddenly, she raised her head the moment she recalled the mess on Lin Xinyan’s bed. “Can you please make sure you conceal the traces of your visit when you drop by in the future?”

What sort of traces have I left behind? Although I have entered her bedroom and moved her things, I have returned the things to their respective locations prior to my departure. Hold on! Initially, I sat on her bed to take a break, but I got extremely sleepy the moment I detected the familiar scent. In the end, I fell asleep on her bed!

All this while, he didn’t have the opportunity to take a break. Hence, the fatigued man fell asleep for a few hours in his wife’s bedroom. As compared to the nights he spent tossing and turning in bed, he finally got some quality sleep, even though it merely lasted for two hours.

“Did she notice?” Zong Jinghao wiped his daughter’s stained lips clean and looked at Qin Ya in the eyes.

“No. Thankfully, she had been deceived by another absurd made-up reason of mine.” Qin Ya told Zong Jinghao.

“I’ll take note of this in the future.” He decided to drop by their place to have some quality sleep whenever Lin Xinyan was away in the morning.

“In the future? Does that mean it’s going to last forever?” Qin Ya gulped down her glass of drink.

Trying to avoid the topic, Zong Jinghao replied in a sulky manner, “No, but I need some time to get everything sorted out.”

Since Guan Jing hadn’t gotten in touch with him, the trial of Wen Qing must still be proceeding.

As a matter of fact, Wen Qing was a pre-eminent figure. No matter what, the authorities would have to put everything on hold until the incident faded out of the public’s attention.

Qin Ya stopped poking her nose into their business. Perhaps it wasn’t time for them to patch things up yet.

After they finished their meal, Su Zhan, who couldn’t bring himself to savor any of the dishes served, brought himself up and walked out of the dining hall, leaving everyone else behind.

Qin Ya’s eyes flickered, but she returned to her usual self soon and pretended she couldn’t be bothered by his reaction. She held Zong Yanchen’s hand and asserted with a smile, “Let’s go!”

Zong Yanchen stared at Su Zhan’s departing figure. Suddenly, he found Su Zhan pitiable.


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