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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 554

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 554

Su Zhan got into the car. “What happened? Why did Gu Bei take Qin Ya? How is she? Did he hurt her?”

Shen Peichuan took a glance at Su Zhan and scolded, “Can you calm down first?”

“How can I?” There was no way he could when he had no idea what happened to Qin Ya.

“Just calm down and listen! We have a lead and we’re heading there now. If you’re going to act like this the whole way, I’ll have to kick you out!” Shen Peichuan immediately stopped the car by the road.

Su Zhan turned to look at Zong Jinghao, then back at Shen Peichuan. “I’ll keep quiet.”

“I don’t want you to keep your mouth shut! I want you to calm down!” Shen Peichuan corrected.

“I-I’ll do that.” The idea of being chased out of the car terrified Su Zhan as he had to save Qin Ya.

Shen Peichuan glanced at the worried man and sighed before driving again.

Nanshan Temple was situated on the mountain. Even though the mountain road was wide, there were a lot of twists and turns, which made it impossible to drive fast.

After Number Four had taken them to the private room and had a few drinks, he left the nightclub and headed to Nanshan Temple as well.

The temple was indeed the place where Qin Ya was held at. Gu Bei was being extra vigilant because he didn’t want Zong Jinghao to find out where Qin Ya was.

After having a few drinks, Number Four, now intoxicated, was hungry for women and went to the temple behind Gu Bei’s back.

Gu Bei’s order was clear. Not a single soul, except for himself, was allowed to enter the temple. Unfortunately for him, his henchman was completely unaware of his intention. Number Four thought that even if he had fun with Qin Ya, Gu Bei would never punish him for it.

After parking outside the temple, Number Four walked into the temple with a huge grin on his face. Past the door was the garden of the temple with a huge square-shaped fountain in the middle. The water in the fountain was crystal clear and Kois were swimming in it. The middle of the fountain was an exquisite statue of Guanyin.

Number Four went past the fountain, up the stairs, and walked around the Golden Hall.

Nanshan Temple was situated on the highest mountain south to B City. A monk used to live in said temple. Unlike any other monks, he did not shave his head bald and had a wife and children.

Gu Bei’s henchman headed to the storeroom, which was constructed at the back of the temple by the premise wall, a place where people would rarely come by. Two guards stood outside the storeroom to prevent anyone from going in and take care of Qin Ya’s meals.

Number Four opened the door and the first thing he saw were beer bottles and cigarette butts scattered all across the floor.

The two guards immediately got up and greeted with smiles on their faces. “Sir!”

Ever since Number Four became Gu Bei’s right-hand man, everyone had to address him with honor, something that he was delighted to hear. “Leave me. I need to check on the girl.”

The two guards looked at each other and one asked, “I thought Mr. Gu’s order was for no one to visit her?”


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