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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 590

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 590

Lin Xinyan was amused at his words that were almost childlike.

“I really want to put a mirror before you so you can see just how unkind you look right now.”

Zong Jinghao snorted in response. He took a towel and dried her feet with it.

She cocked her head to the side and asked, “Are you angry?”

Why isn’t he talking?

He suddenly tossed the towel aside and grabbed her ankles. Moving them onto the bed, he pinned her down with his weight. Lin Xinyan struggled while whispering furiously, “What are you doing? The kids are right here! Don’t wake them up!”

He raised a brow at her even as a wicked smirk curled his lips. His voice was low as he murmured, “They won’t wake up if you can be a little softer.”

Struck dumb by his words, it took Lin Xinyan a moment to start struggling again. “Why are you getting more and more shameless?” She was honestly worried that he would be controlled by his lust and actually do that, right beside the children.

Zong Jinghao bent his knees and used them to push her legs open wider. Now, she would be unable to close them. He was not overwhelmed by his desire just yet. Even if he were, he would not be so rash as to do something like that with his children right there.

He gazed down at her, taking in her beauty. She was not very old and her delicate features only made her seem that much younger. The skin of her face was like white porcelain, pale and smooth to the touch. He stroked her cheek gently as he muttered, “Yan, I really don’t like how he thinks of you.”

It was impossible for him to feel any shred of forgiveness for anyone who had dared to desire his wife.

“I’m still just an ordinary man. My woman can only belong to me and me alone. Nobody else is allowed to even think of you.”

Lin Xinyan could understand where he was coming from. If another woman had such thoughts about Zong Jinghao, she would be very unhappy too.

This man can be rather petty at times. I’d better explain myself before he overthinks things. ”I know. I only love you. All I feel for him is a moral obligation.”

Pausing, a bubble of laughter escaped her lips. “The more I interact with you, the more I realize just how different you are at home compared to outside.”

“Hmm? In what ways? Do tell.” He flipped over onto his side, careful to avoid pressing down on her abdomen.

“Let go of my legs first.”

He refused. “Not until you tell me.”

She twisted her head to look at him. “Your employees have probably never seen this shameless side of you, have they?”

“I’m only ever shameless before my wifey. They’re not worthy enough to see this side of me,” he justified calmly. He did not find anything wrong with his statements at all.

She sighed. “So you’re human after all.”

He took her hand in his and ordered, “Touch me.”

Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline in shock while her eyes rounded to the size of dinner plates. She gaped at him, stuttering, “W-what are you t-trying to do?”

“I want you to touch my body and feel if it’s hot. Feel my heart and see if it beats. My body is not made of metal or steel. It’s a flesh and blood body with emotions and thoughts. Like everyone else, I can’t escape death. I’m just a human. You can’t expect me to be like an emotionless robot all the time.” Taking in the crimson flush that had yet to recede from Lin Xinyan’s face, he chuckled. “Your mind was in the gutter earlier, wasn’t it?”

Lin Xinyan coughed lightly while trying to force herself to sound calm, “No.”

My mind was most definitely not in the gutter! Nope! Even if it were, it’s not like I can just outrightedly admit to it. Damn it, this man has corrupted me! I’ve lost all sense of shame because of him.

“What was that saying again? Ah! Birds of a feather flock together.”

“Are you trying to imply something here?” He arched an eyebrow at her.

“What are you guys talking about?” Zong Yanxi rubbed her bleary eyes, unable to get used to the bright lights so soon after waking up.

“Nothing. Go to sleep,” Lin Xinyan urged. She moved over to wrap an arm around the little girl, patting her back lightly to coax her to sleep.

“Mommy, don’t forget that you’ve promised to take me to the pet shop tomorrow.” Going to the pet shop was quickly becoming the girl’s obsession.

She’s not even fully awake yet she still remembers to remind me about that!

Lin Xinyan soothed, “Alright, we’ll go tomorrow. Now, sleep.”

“It’s been so long since Mommy’s hugged me while sleeping. Your hug is still as warm as I’d remembered,” Zong Yanxi mumbled while snuggling further into her mother’s embrace.

Guilt swamped Lin Xinyan. The moment they moved here to C City, she had sent them off to pre-school while she busied herself with setting up Cloud Corporation. She had been so occupied with ensuring that Tea Silk was known to the public again that she had neglected her children.

During this time, they had grown a lot. They had learned how to sleep alone and to dress. They no longer needed anyone to supervise them as they cleaned themselves either. In fact, they had become so independent that they could look after themselves for most of the daily tasks.


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