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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 601

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 601

Shen Peichuan shook his head and said no.

Sitting across the table, Captain Song took a quick glimpse at Shen Peichuan and then at Song Yaxin. He knew his wife’s words would have affected his daughter, but there was nothing his daughter could do to undo the past, no matter how much she regretted it.

As people always say—never force anything that was not meant to be, because one would never have to force anything that was truly meant to be.

It was true that Captain Song really hoped Shen Peichuan could marry his daughter at one point, but he knew love could not be forced.

That was why he invited Shen Peichuan and Sang Yu over.

It was time he buried his unfulfilled wish, and it was also time his wife and his daughter got over the past.

Now that Song Yaxin had divorced, all Captain Song wanted was for her to get over the hurt and start anew with someone else who would truly cherish her.

Looking at the four of them, Captain Song let out a sigh and collected himself. “Come, let’s dig in. Make yourself at home; there’s not a need to be so constrained. I remember you being quite an eloquent girl,” he said, looking at Sang Yu.

Captain Song really admired the girl. From his first impression of her, she was energetic and courageous.

Upon hearing that, a small and innocent grin spread across Sang Yu’s lips. “I was really worried that you would punish him back then.”

Captain Song chuckled as he thought about how Sang Yu had defended Shen Peichuan last time. “I bet you’re the one who pursued him.”

Captain Song knew Shen Peichuan inside out. He knew that the man would never initiate something like that when he first saw the news.

But Shen Peichuan had quickly interjected and came to Sang Yu’s rescue. “No, it is I who liked her first,” he said softly but surely.

He did not want people to have the wrong idea about Sang Yu.

After all, she was the one who had helped him out.

Captain Song widened his eyes in surprise and laughed heartily. “Ha! I didn’t expect that!”

He had always thought Shen Peichuan to be an honest and dull man.

It never occurred to him that Shen Peichuan would go after any girl. That said a lot about how much Shen Peichuan liked Sang Yu.

It was completely understandable, though. Sang Yu was a beautiful girl in her prime, and she had a fine character. Captain Song could tell that she was someone who had a mind of her own, although she was much younger than Shen Peichuan.

He shifted his gaze to Sang Yu and told her, “Peichuan does not have his family with him here, so you must take good care of him.”

She smiled and nodded her head vigorously as she stole a look at Shen Peichuan.

Sang Yu knew that this was the man she wanted to marry one day.

But Song Yaxin begged to differ. She eyed the couple and said sourly, “Peichuan, look at how nice my dad is to you. Why not you be his son? I’m sure he’ll look out for you at work too.”

Her intention was so obvious that the atmosphere turned awkward around the table.

Captain Song’s piercing glare sank through his daughter the moment he heard what she said. “You may leave if you’re not here to enjoy a meal. Do you think everyone should let you have your way just because you recently went through a divorce?”

Beside him, Mrs. Song shot a quick look at her daughter and figured that she should try placating her husband. “Come on; she’s still recovering from a broken marriage. Understandably, all she can see is her own misery. Don’t be so hard on her.”

But Captain Song still pulled a long papaya face, shooting daggers at his daughter. All he wanted was for her to get over Shen Peichuan. Yet, not only was she refusing to let the past go, but she was also making a fuss and dragging other people into the mess.

Although Captain Song had reprimanded his daughter, Shen Peichuan still felt that it was not a good time to dine with the family today. He felt that he should allow each side some time to recover and readjust. Having made up his mind, he held Sang Yu’s hand and stood up. “I’m sorry, Captain. I still have some work to attend to. I’m afraid Sang Yu and I can’t stay any longer.”

Captain Song nodded quietly as if he expected Shen Peichuan would take leave. “I’m sorry if we made you uncomfortable. I hope you don’t take it to heart.”

“I won’t, Captain. I owe my promotion to you, and I’m altogether grateful for what you’ve done for me,” Shen Peichuan replied cordially with a bow. Regardless of what Song Yaxin said, he knew Captain Song was a kind person, and he appreciated everything Captain Song had done for him.

Nothing would change how much he respected his captain.

“You’re one capable man yourself, else you wouldn’t have gotten promoted. Why don’t we have a meal another day? You should treat me the next time around,” Captain Song suggested.

Indeed, there was no way Captain Song and Zhou Huaihou would agree to promote Shen Peichuan if not for his caliber.

They knew he was a man who took his job seriously.

But still, Shen Peichuan appreciated Captain Song’s kindness. “You should come over to my place next time. I’ll cook you something delicious.”

Captain Song raised his brows in surprise. “I didn’t know you knew how to cook!”

“Well, I’ve been staying alone for a while, so I know how to cook a thing or two. My cooking is not particularly good, but I’m willing to cook you something nice if you don’t mind trying,” Shen Peichuan answered as he clasped his hand nervously with a smile.

“Of course I won’t mind. Till I get to try your cooking then. See you,” Captain Song waved him goodbye as he gestured to send them off.

“We’ll see ourselves out. See y’all around,” Shen Peichuan greeted the captain and Mrs. Song before leaving with Sang Yu.

Right after the couple disappeared around the door, Captain Song turned around and eyed his daughter coldly. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Over at the table, Song Yaxin grabbed her hair in agony. She did not know why she had blurted out such insensitive words either. All she knew was that it surely did not feel good to see Shen Peichuan together with Sang Yu.

“You’re the one who refused to get together with Peichuan last time. I’m pretty sure he cared for you deeply. I knew he would be a good son-in-law, but you didn’t want to listen to us. There is literally nothing you can do no matter how much you regret your decision now. What you just said is so unabashed. I feel ashamed as your father. Also, Shen Peichuan was promoted because he deserves it. It’s not like I show him special favor. Yes, I did nominate him to be the deputy chief, but that’s purely because of his capability. Now that you put it that way, it sounds like I do have an ulterior motive,” Captain Song berated her in a harangue.


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