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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 632

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 632

Lin. It’s been so long since we last met. Time truly flies. It almost seems as though you joined LEO yesterday. I want to congratulate you on finding a life partner after so many years. Mr. Zong is a modest young man, so I’m really happy for you. The bridal gown was personally designed by me and I hope you’ll like it. Oh, it’s such a shame that I can’t make it to your wedding due to my physical condition. Let us meet again sometime in the future. All the best for your wedding!

As Lin Xinyan read on, she could not help but reminisce about her time at LEO. When she had just joined the company, she thought she would stay there forever, since Mrs. William had given her such a precious opportunity. Who would have thought that she would one day return to China and start her own studio?

Who would have known that she, who did not believe in love, would one day be wedded to the love of her life?

How extraordinary.

She folded the letter after reading it. Looking through the window, Zong Jinghao’s face somehow popped up in her head again. Oh, I miss him so much. I wonder when he’ll come home.

Not wanting to trouble him, she had not contacted him all this while. However, she could no longer hold herself back.

She took out her phone and searched for his number. As she hesitated on the dial button, her phone suddenly rang.

It was him.

She immediately answered the call.


For the past few days, Zong Jinghao had been terribly busy. He had gotten acquainted with a government official from Old Master Gu’s time through Shao Yun’s connections.

It was also through him that he got to know of Old Master Gu’s crimes from the past.

After understanding the case fully, Zong Jinghao promptly sent people to verify, investigate, and gather evidence. Before disclosing the information on the case, he even went on-site to make sure that were no inaccuracies.

He made use of Shao Yun’s connections to get his hands on the information he needed. Everything else was handled by him.

He brought the victim of the incident to B City. He then contacted various influential media companies to cover the case instead of presenting the case directly to the authorities.

People would often feel naturally inclined to help the weak, the elderly, and the young.

The public would definitely feel outraged about the case, and he needed that to pressure the government into taking actual action.

On top of that, if he were to expose Gu Bei of his wrongdoings concurrently, the backlash caused would be unimaginable.

Though Zong Jinghao was no veteran in the world of politics, he knew enough about human nature and manipulation to get the situation to play out as planned.

And so, his plan rolled out smoothly. Furthermore, the governmental authorities took the case very seriously and even formed a special task force. Once they had collected sufficient evidence, they would bring the case to court.

A lawsuit was bound to be filed sooner or later. It was an actual crime, after all.

In order to keep the case relevant online, he got Guan Jing to hire netizens with some online presence to leak new information and create hot topics of discussion.

After concluding a meeting with the personnel from two large media companies, he swiftly made his way back to the villa. He had constantly been on the move for the past few days. His work was mostly done, and all that he needed to do next was to follow up on any new updates to the situation.

As he parked his car and made his way to the villa, he began wondering if Lin Xinyan missed him in his absence.

She did not contact me at all.

Leaning against his car, he decided to make a phone call.

To his surprise, the call was answered in no time.

He felt a little startled but quickly asked, “Were you on your phone?” Or else, how would you have picked up so fast?

“Yeah. How are you doing?” Lin Xinyan replied. Urgh. I should have said that I miss him and wanted to call him.

Zong Jinghao looked up. The weather was good, and specs of stars glimmered in the clear night sky. “Did you miss me?” he asked, smiling to himself.

Lin Xinyan got off her bed and went to sit down on the sofa by the window. She replied softly, “I do. I wish I could see you right this instant.”

“How about I make a wish upon the stars so that they can bring me to you?” he joked.

Lin Xinyan chuckled. “Sure.”


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