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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 651

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 651

“Just a lady,” replied the girl.

“A lady?” repeated Qin Ya. She was curious as she was well aware of all of Lin Xinyan’s close contacts. So, she racked her brains trying to figure out who else hadn’t shown up yet.

“Did she say what her name was?” asked Lin Xinyan. The dress wasn’t convenient to move around in, but she could hear the commotion from where she sat.

She knew that all her invited friends had shown up, and she had received well-wishes from the ones who couldn’t make it. Nobody said anything about delivering a gift like this, though.

For this unknown person to attempt something like this, she had to be quite vigilant indeed.

The hotel staff member shook her head, “She never gave me a name. Only a request that I deliver this to you.”

“And where did this exchange take place?” queried Shen Peichuan.

As long as she was able to provide more information, they could check surveillance tapes to figure out her identity.

The staff member blinked, sensing that something was off. They seemed awfully jumpy as if she’d just delivered a bomb to them.

Wait, it isn’t a bomb, right?

The very thought made her hands tremble.

She gulped audibly. “The northern entrance. She looked quite beautiful and claimed to be a friend of the bride. I’m only doing as she asked.”

Hearing that, Shen Peichuan immediately issued an order to check the surveillance cameras. He then hung up and received the box from the staff.

“You may leave,” he said curtly.

The staff was not about to be told twice. She left immediately, fearing that she would get mixed up in their affairs if she lingered.

Shen Peichuan untied the ribbon on the package, only to be stopped by Qin Ya. “What are you doing?” she asked.

Shen Peichuan replied, “I need to verify the contents. We don’t know who sent this! What if it’s dangerous?”


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