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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 653

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 653

The wedding march was replaced by a different song after they reached the stage.

A soothing opening note was heard, followed by a gentle voice.

Wen Xiaoji stood at the entrance and walked over steadily with a microphone in hand.

Now, he was no longer Li Zhan, but Wen Xiaoji- Wen Qing’s son and a member of the Wen family. He had been a celebrity in the past and was blessed with good looks and a good voice.

In his rich baritone voice, Wen Xiaoji performed the popular wedding song ‘For You’.

He will be your bridegroom, your companion for life hereafter

He will be bound to you, for better or for worse

She will be your bride, entrusted to you

Your life will be shared by two, all burdens and joy to be borne together

Fate must have smiled upon you, to have joined you both thus

However much he loves you, you must return that happiness twofold

From now on, you’re no longer alone, you have each other to think about

However much you give, you’ll receive twofold in love

Fate must have smiled upon you, to have joined you both thus…

Wen Xiaoji sang passionately while walking toward them.

Lin Xinyan didn’t want to cry at the wedding, but she truly couldn’t help herself.

Her tears refused to stop flowing, like pearls slipping off a string.

She tried her dandiest to ignore it and refused to admit it. But no matter what, she could not ignore their kinship.

Although they seemed distant to each other on the surface, she still yearned to be a family with him.

Wen Xiaoji finished performing and looked at Lin Xinyan through red-rimmed eyes. In a voice brimming with emotion, he said, “Xinyan, my sister.”

With all the grudges and grievances of the past now set aside, nothing had changed.

He still regarded Zong Jinghao as a brother and acknowledged Lin Xinyan as his sister-in-law. But Wen Xiaoji’s conscious decision to call her his sister bore a deeper meaning. It showed that he offered her the desire for reconciliation and the respect she deserved.

With this simple gesture, he managed to set aside so much hatred and animosity.

As Lin Xinyan choked back tears and walked toward him, Wen Xiaoji ran across the room and hugged her.

At this moment, there were no words to express the emotions they felt. They stood there in an embrace, letting that heal the hurt that had transpired.

Zong Jinghao let go of his resentment toward the Wen family as well. He had done everything that needed to be done. What was left was the simple hope that Lin Xinyan had a family to rely on.

She had done more than enough for herself. Now it was time for him to return the favor.


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