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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 659

“What’re you doing!” Qin Ya tried to snatch the knife from him, but he dodged her just in time and lifted the knife out of her reach. “I’m willing to offer you my life in order to prove myself. After all, I did let you down and hurt you before…”

“Don’t be crazy!” Qin Ya cut him off by yelling at him, “Put the knife down!”

Staring at her, Su Zhan refused to do as she said. “No, I have to prove myself to you.”

“I don’t need you to do that!” Qin Ya went panic-stricken, worried that he might hurt himself in his agitation. “Fine, I believe you. Just put the knife down.”

“Really?” Su Zhan pretended to look incredulous, but deep down inside he was elated to see how much Qin Ya cared about him. If she no longer cared about him, why would she even be bothered whether he was hurt or not?

He stared at her solemnly and apologized, “Ya, I’m sorry.”

Qin Ya averted her head away from him with tears falling uncontrollably down her face. Su Zhan put the knife down and drew her toward his embrace. Resting his head on her shoulder, he whispered next to her ear, “Ya, please forgive me. I’ve learnt my mistake.”

Qin Ya cried harder after hearing what he said and she did not even know why. Perhaps, she was feeling sorry for herself after suffering all the hardships, or maybe she was lamenting her life which was full of misfortunes.

Her tears made Su Zhan’s eyes red-rimmed too. He knew Qin Ya had gone through a lot of challenges ever since she met him.

Now, she was even deprived of the right to be a mother because of him.

How cruel must that be for her?

With that thought in mind, he wrapped his arms around her even tighter. “Ya, I promise there wouldn’t be any occasion for me to say sorry to you in the future.”

He would prove his love for her through his actions.

He would make sure she would not be harmed or hurt ever again.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Qin Ya still harbored some reservations.

She believed in Su Zhan’s feelings for her, but her condition was going to affect their life.

In ancient times, sterility was deemed to be a sin as that would mean the end of the bloodline.

“Surrogacy is out of the question.” Although her remark seemed premature, she saw the need to make sure Su Zhan knew things that were out of bounds for her.

If he could not be on the same page with her, he should let her go right away.

“Of course. I won’t allow any other woman to give birth to my child.” Su Zhan pecked one of her cheeks and promised, “Please believe me.”

Qin Ya closed her eyes and lamented, “You must have been predestined to be the trouble of my life.”

That must be the reason why it’s so hard to get rid of you.

She had always considered herself as a tough person. Yet, she just realized that she had overestimated her level of resilience.

Because of Su Zhan’s attitude, not only did she feel a whole lot less awful than before, but she also even felt warmth in her heart.

Indeed, it was easier to handle the harsh truth together with him than to do it alone. When she revealed the truth to him, it was actually not as bad as she had imagined.

She actually felt so much more relieved after coming clean with him.

Sitting on the sofa with his arms wrapped around her, Su Zhan asked, “So, did you do the story of you being together with Shao Yun just to convince me to give up on you?”


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