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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 663

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 663

Lin Xinyan slapped his hand away from her face. “You’re hurting me.”

Zong Jinghao laughed in spite of his anger, “Is this your ploy to gain my sympathy?”

Lin Xinyan knew she shouldn’t have been suspicious of him in the first place. In fact, she shouldn’t even have allowed the seed of doubts to develop in her mind because as a married couple, they should just trust each other completely.

She had always trusted Zong Jinghao previously even on occasions when she received photos of him behaving intimately with other women. However, this time was different. Gu Huiyuan was really brilliant at dropping hints to make Lin Xinyan fall for her trick.

Lin Xinyan admitted that she was nearly fooled by Gu Huiyuan because she was being too careless.

Since it was her mistake, she did not mind admitting it.

She took the initiative to sit down on Zong Jinghao’s lap and twine her arms around his neck. Nuzzling up against him, she pleaded coquettishly, “So, is my ploy working fine?”

Zong Jinghao gazed at her. Even though he was not pleased with how she was suspicious of his fidelity, he couldn’t bear to criticize her too harshly, seeing how pitiful she looked. “That ploy is not working because I don’t have much sympathy, to begin with. Why don’t you try to seduce me instead?”

Lin Xinyan chuckled, “Do you think I’m attractive enough to seduce you?”

Zong Jinghao lifted her off and carried her to the bedroom. “If I don’t think you’re attractive, will I even think of sleeping with you every single day?”

Lin Xinyan struggled hard to get away from him. “Why’re you bringing me to the bedroom in broad daylight?”

“To show that you’re attractive to me.” Zong Jinghao closed the door.

Lin Xinyan rejected, “I don’t want to do it.”

“What is it that you don’t want to do?”

“What’re you going to do to me then?” Lin Xinyan asked him back.

“Well, since you’ve succeeded in seducing me, what else do you think I’m going to do to you?”

“I’m tired.” Lin Xinyan tried to come up with various excuses to dissuade him. “Besides, doing it too frequently is not good to the baby.”

He had been using the excuse of their newlywed status to get her to make love to him. Although she had already been pregnant for six months and her condition had been stable, they really shouldn’t risk it.

“Fine. I’ll just hug you without doing anything naughty.” With that, Zong Jinghao drew her into his embrace. Immediately, he dismissed all the dirty ideas in his mind right after Lin Xinyan mentioned the baby.

He brushed his lips against hers and whispered, “Let’s stop having babies after this one.”

“Are you suggesting this for your lust or because you care about me?”

“Of course, the latter.” Zong Jinghao tightened his arms around her. When he was on his way to collect her medical report at the hospital just now, he passed by the delivery room. His heart gave a lurch when he heard the agonized wailings and screaming coming from the women going through labor pain inside. He reckoned that the process must be extremely painful to make a bunch of women scream like that.

“Did you cry when you gave birth to Ruixi and Xichen?”

Snuggling in his arms, Lin Xinyan muttered, “I did, but I didn’t scream. I remember there was a lady who kept on cursing her husband during her labor. That was super hilarious.”

“Please feel free to curse me if it hurts when you’re giving birth to our baby this time,” Zong Jinghao proposed affectionately.

Lin Xinyan chortled, “I’m not going to do that; it’s too embarrassing.”

Suddenly, she changed the topic of their conversation. “Let’s go home tomorrow, shall we?”

It was not appropriate of them to leave all the senior members of their family behind at the villa for too long a time.

Zong Jinghao agreed, “Things will get dangerous and uncertain soon as the matter concerning Old Master Gu and Gu Bei has yet to come to an end. So, please don’t go out if I’m not with you. I’m worried they might get desperate and harm you.”

Although he would be keeping an eye on the people of the Gu family, he had to take every precaution he could to make sure Lin Xinyan was safe. He knew he could only let down his guard after everything was settled.

Lin Xinyan understood him well as she just witnessed a vivid example of what they might do to her in their desperation through Gu Huiyuan.

On hindsight, she couldn’t believe she was dumb enough to nearly fall for Gu Huiyuan’s trick just now.

On the following day, Zong Jinghao left for the office while Lin Xinyan headed back to the villa. As soon as she was back, she went to look for Qin Ya immediately.

She wanted to ask Qin Ya about her relationship with Su Zhan.

Keeping her eyes downcast, Qin Ya replied, “We decided to start our relationship afresh. In fact, I should have listened to your advice earlier by telling him the truth. It turns out that it wasn’t that difficult to come clean with him as I imagined.”


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