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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 680

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 680

“Sang Yu, is that friend of yours in love with you?”

Shen Peichuan was stunned as he wondered why the guy had asked that question.

Meanwhile, Sang Yu was even more surprised than Shen Peichuan. “What are you talking about? That’s nonsense,” said Sang Yu.

“When I brought the clean clothes over, he asked to borrow my phone, but he only called his family to let them know that he’s alright. He didn’t ask anyone to pick him up. Does that mean he plans on staying? Also…” shared Wang Wen while turning to Sang Yu, “I told him that I like you, but he wasn’t happy about the two of us getting together. If he truly is watching out for you, shouldn’t he be happy for you instead?”

“You’re overthinking it. He probably just thinks that we aren’t suited for one another,” replied Sang Yu.

As she spoke, she stood up, but Wang Wen held her wrist and confessed, “No, don’t go. I mean it when I said that I like you.”

The sudden profession of love turned Sang Yu’s mind blank. She couldn’t speak for a long while.

“Sang Yu, you don’t have a family, so let me be yours. Stay with me. You won’t have to feel any pressure. You know how my family is, and no one will discriminate against you or hurt you…”

“No, please stop. I don’t want to be in a relationship for now,” rejected Sang Yu politely.

“We’re of the same age group, and my family will welcome you with open arms. You can think…”


The sound of glass shattering rang up from the house, and Sang Yu pried Wang Wen’s hand away before hurrying into the house. The first thing she saw was Shen Peichuan standing in front of the table while her glass was shattered on the floor.

She went over to check on Shen Peichuan’s hand. “Are you hurt?” asked Sang Yu.

Shen Peichuan couldn’t open his mouth or make himself talk. He simply tilted his head down and stared at her worried expression.

Then Sang Yu looked up and saw that Shen Peichuan was staring at her. His eyes shone an incomprehensible emotion, and that got Sang Yu to realize that she was still holding his hand. She quickly let go of him and explained, “You are injured, and I was just worried about your condition worsening…”

Shen Peichuan suddenly cut her words short. “You said that you love me,” said Shen Peichuan.

Wang Wen froze while standing beside the door.

Sang Yu loves him? Him?

The same question kept swirling in Wang Wen’s mind.

Everything suddenly seemed so clear. Sang Yu was extremely worried and anxious when Shen Peichuan was injured, and that was not the reaction a friend would have.

When Shen Peichuan was unconscious in the hospital, Sang Yu stayed there overnight, and that was obviously a sign of genuine concern.

Wang Wen turned around in a daze and strolled away like a soulless zombie.

“I was joking,” lied Sang Yu.

She only dared to confess her love because she was certain that they would never see each other again.

However, she was too cowardly to admit that in front of him.

“What if I took it seriously?” asked Shen Peichuan. The revelation hit him when he heard Wang Wen asking Sang Yu about whether Shen Peichuan had feelings for her.

Shen Peichuan asked himself the same question and then a bunch of other questions as well. Why do I get upset when I see her hanging out with other men? She said that she might get married in the future, but I don’t want that to happen. Why? Perhaps… Could it be that I feel that way because I love her? Is that why I don’t want to see her with other men or marrying someone else?

On the other side, Su Zhan was delighted after getting a call from Shen Peichuan. The former almost jumped with glee. He called Zong Jinghao immediately to share the good news before heading into the police station to inform Captain Song as Su Zhan didn’t want anyone to worry unnecessarily.

Su Zhan was about to knock on the door to Captain Song’s office when he heard Mrs. Song saying, “He’s been missing for over two days. There’s no way he survived.”


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