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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 692

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 692

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” Sang Yu asked Shen Peichuan, who was clearly deep in thought.

“Nothing. I just thought of something,” Shen Peichuan quickly answered.

Sang Yu did not pursue the matter. She smiled faintly.

She had bought groceries that day. Now that Shen Peichuan’s friend had come to visit, Sang Yu planned to cook a few more dishes for him.

Shen Peichuan was used to a solitary lifestyle. He rarely cooked for himself and his diet consisted mainly of instant noodles. With limited cooking experience, he could only help Sang Yu wash the ingredients while she handled the rest.

It was a scorching day so Su Zhan did not walk far. He circled the area before finally stopping at the school. Seeing the children’s innocent faces, he was reminded of the sorrowful fact that he and Qin Ya would never be able to have children of their own.

It was a regret both of them would carry for the rest of their lives.

Children are supposedly the proof of their parents’ love for each other. Without children, does it mean that our love merely flowered without bearing fruit?

When he was with Qin Ya, he fought to keep his love for children under wraps because he was terrified of breaking her heart even further.

She’s even more crushed than I am, for not being able to have children.

His eyes clouded over and he took out his phone to text Qin Ya: Ya, I miss you terribly.

Su Zhan was speaking from his heart.

C City.

Shao Yun brought Qin Ya to a fancy restaurant for lunch. “You should come here with Su Zhan. It’s a pity that he doesn’t know C City well and can’t take you to the good restaurants, unlike me. This place has amazing lamb chops. I guarantee it’ll have you hankering for a second helping,” he said, beaming.

Qin Ya smiled back at him. “Uncle, you should find yourself a girlfriend. It must be lonely having to go through life by yourself.”

“I feel much more carefree being on my own. I can be with whichever woman I fancy at the moment. If I were exclusive with someone, she would be trying to control my life every day, and I’ll eventually be driven mad.” Shao Yun was used to his way of life. He was a man with needs as well as the financial means to get any woman he desired.

This way, I won’t be bringing any burden upon myself. I also won’t run the risk of letting anyone down or betraying their trust.

“Let’s sit here.” Shao Yun pulled out a chair for Qin Ya.

“There’s no need to stand on ceremony with me.” Shao Yun took a seat opposite her.

The waiter approached them. Shao Yun was familiar with the menu and ordered a few of the dishes he knew was delicious.

“Do you want a drink? I have kept a great bottle of red wine at this place. Would you like to try?” Shao Yun asked.

“Sure. Being treated to a meal along with great wine——what could be better?” Qin Ya grinned.

Shao Yun gave Qin Ya a thumbs-up. “I like your style. But is it a good idea to be apart from Su Zhan so soon after getting back together?”

Qin Ya lowered her eyes. “We might be back together but that doesn’t mean that the rest of our path will be smooth.”

Su Zhan is an orphan. The only family she has left is his grandmother who desperately wishes for a grandchild. If I can’t give them one, I’ll be ending their family line. I can’t imagine what kind of reaction she’ll have when she finds out about my condition.

Will she be against our relationship? Or will she insist we go for surrogacy?

Forget it. I can’t let myself dwell on it, or else I’ll end up spiraling into sadness.

“You’re right. If the two of you are going to spend the rest of your lives together, you’ll need to overcome challenges.” Shao Yun muttered, “I think Su Zhan is a good guy. The two of you seem compatible.”

At this moment, the waiter came over to serve their food and wine. He opened the wine bottle and poured a glass for Qin Ya.

Qin Ya lifted the wine glass and was about to taste the wine when her mobile phone buzzed in her bag. She took it out and saw Su Zhan’s name on the screen. She opened the message.

Her gaze darkened and she quickly typed her reply: Come see me then.

Su Zhan was just called to return by Shen Peichuan. Taking a seat at the table, he saw that Sang Yu had prepared multiple scrumptious dishes. When he heard the sound of an incoming message on his phone, he immediately opened it up to take a read and broke into a wide grin after realizing it was Qin Ya’s reply.


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