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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 697

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 697

Zong Jinghao reminded, “The email inbox.”

After scrolling through the tabs and locating the inbox, she clicked on it and asked, “The first email?”

“Yes”, replied Zong Jinghao.

The email did not have a subject. Lin Xinyan clicked on it and started scanning through it.

It was about Song Yaxin visiting the gynecology department. Even the time, location, and name of the doctor she consulted were specified.

Initially, she was not too bothered by it. However, when she scrolled down further, she saw some medical records. Every patient in the hospital would have their records, and Song Yaxin’s record showed that she had an abortion.

Lin Xinyan frowned. “She had a child with her ex-husband, but she’s divorced?”

Zong Jinghao gestured for her to continue reading.

Lin Xinyan felt even more uneasy. Didn’t Shen Peichuan say that Song Yaxin didn’t have a child with her ex-husband and that she divorced him because he cheated on her?

The abortion was dated not long ago; it was only two months earlier.

The more Lin Xinyan scrolled down, the greater her shock.

As she read, she widened her eyes in disbelief. The bottom of the email included proof of Song Yaxin cheating on her husband. There were records of her checking in and out of a hotel with her lover. So, Song Yaxin was being unfaithful during her marriage?

Didn’t her ex-husband cheat on her instead?

She raised her head and looked at Zong Jinghao. “Is this real?”

“It is. Guan Jing investigated it personally. The only thing unclear now is how she managed to make her husband the scapegoat. Even her parents are kept in the dark.”

Lin Xinyan was astounded. Although she did not really like Song Yaxin, she did not expect her to lie to others about these things.

It’s obvious that she’s a person with horrible values.

Isn’t she lying to Shen Peichuan?

Lin Xinyan was appalled by Song Yaxin’s lack of morals.

She has gone too far! She even lied to her parents.

Despite being surprised, Lin Xinyan also started to worry about Shen Peichuan. After all, he personally introduced Song Yaxin to them as his girlfriend.

How will Shen Peichuan react if he finds out about this?

What should he do?

Zong Jinghao took a deep breath, knowing that she was overthinking things. Grabbing his phone, he found the message and photo Su Zhan sent him. It was a photo featuring Sang Yu cooking and Shen Peichuan helping her out. Su Zhan had taken the photo from the entrance of the kitchen.

“Look at it.” Lin Xinyan casually took his phone and immediately spotted the photo.

Who’s that girl?

She read Su Zhan’s message and realized that Shen Peichuan was actually dating that girl. Once again, Lin Xinyan was astonished.

Never in her wildest dreams would she expect Shen Peichuan to be a two-timer. Even though he had not ended things with Song Yaxin, he was already dating another girl.

After reading through all the messages, Lin Xinyan understood the complete picture. The girl Shen Peichuan actually liked was the one he was currently dating.

He refused to return and lied to Song Yaxin because he wanted her to give up on him.

Lin Xinyan passed the phone back to Zong Jinghao. “I didn’t expect Shen Peichuan to actually know what’s going on.”

She had only heard Su Zhan mention Sang Yu’s name. Now, she had finally seen what the girl looked like.

“I think that Peichuan’s actions are quite inappropriate. Isn’t he just wasting Song Yaxin’s time? He should come back and clarify things with her.”

If Song Yaxin still doesn’t give up after two months, what should Shen Peichuan do?

How could he take responsibility for that?

After all, he’s the one who agreed at the start.

“Do you think he can come up with such an idea on his own? Judging from his personality, he should’ve returned a long time ago to deal with this. Su Zhan probably planted this idea in his mind.” Zong Jinghao understood their characters well.

Lin Xinyan agreed as well. It must be Su Zhan who came up with that idea. With his forthcoming personality, Shen Peichuan would definitely return immediately to clarify things with Song Yaxin.

“Will you tell Peichuan what you discovered?” asked Lin Xinyan.

She thought that Shen Peichuan deserved to know; this information would also be useful to help end his relationship with Song Yaxin.


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