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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 703

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 703

Zong Jinghao left the examination room and walked to the end of the corridor outside with cellphone in hand. Guan Jing took very little time to pick up.

“What do you have for me?” Zong Jinghao asked.

“I’ve completed the investigation.”

“Who was it?”

“Gu Bei’s sister, Gu Huiyuan,” Guan Jing replied.

Zong Jinghao raised an eyebrow but did not seem too surprised.

“Are you busy right now, Mr. Zong? I’ll like to meet in person.” Guan Jing stood by the window as he surveyed the view outside.

“For what purpose?”

Guan Jing insisted, “It would be better if we spoke directly.”

Zong Jinghao glanced at the watch on his wrist, “I’ll be available tonight.”

“In that case, let’s meet in my office,” Guan Jing replied.

Zong Jinghao sensed that his subordinate’s tone was a little off. “I’ll be over at seven.”

With that, the call concluded.

Zong Jinghao lingered in the corridor with various thoughts racing through his mind. He wondered what was Guan Jing’s intention.

To him, Guan Jing’s behavior was suspicious.

In the examination room.

Lin Xinyan lowered her head to ask, “How is he doing, doctor?”

The doctor nodded. “The child is developing well in every aspect, except that…”

“Except what?” The doctor’s pause made Lin Xinyan sit up.

“Let’s wait for Mr. Zong to return. I’ll explain it in greater detail, so you may both be able to make an informed decision.” The doctor’s tone was solemn.

Lin Xinyan’s eyes widened as she observed the doctor’s body language. She tugged at his sleeve. “Can’t you tell me first? I can’t rest easy if you don’t.”

When the doctor saw how nervous she was, he exhaled, “Did the previous doctor caution you against bearing any more children after your last birth?”

She nodded and acknowledged that the previous attending doctor did advise as much and remarked that her body had been strained.

“You are not suited for carrying another fetus to full term as your uterine wall has become thinner since your last birth. It wasn’t noticeable earlier on but as your pregnancy advanced, the increased volume of amniotic fluid and rapid growth of the fetus have placed exponentially greater pressure in your uterus. That could be life-threatening for you. Since we are in the twenty-eighth week, I would recommend that you induce labor in the thirtieth week, or latest by the thirty-second week. Alternatively, you could also opt for birth by cesarian section.”

Lin Xinyan was apprehensive. “I… I’ve never experienced any discomfort…”

The doctor replied sternly, “You would have breached the threshold by the time you experience the symptoms. You don’t have to worry too much about the child’s survivability given the advances in medical care. As he’s been coming along well so far, there should be no problems.”

Lin Xinyan mood was conflicted as she considered that the child would still be premature at thirty weeks.

“Doctor, I’d like to discuss this with my husband.” Lin Xinyan was uncertain how Zong Jinghao would receive this news.

The doctor nodded. “Please go ahead. But remember that you have to come to a decision as soon as possible because we are already at week twenty-eight.”

Lin Xinyan nodded. “Yes, we will…”

“We will what?” Zong Jinghao overheard Lin Xinyan’s last statement when he reentered.

Lin Xinyan smiled. “It’s nothing.” She held her belly as she tried to stand and Zong Jinghao came over to support her. He asked, “How did it go?”

His wife nodded. “Everything is going well.”


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