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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 709

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 709

Mrs. Song was so incensed that she might bash up Shen Peichuan anytime.

Embarrassed by his wife’s shrewish behavior, Captain Song could feel a headache in the making.

Finally, he said sternly, “Enough! Let’s listen to what Peichuan has to say.”

Thus, Shen Peichuan admitted outrightly, “I realize that I don’t like Yaxin, so…”

“Shen Peichuan, what do you mean? You have promised to be together with my daughter. How dare you claim that you don’t like her now!” Mrs. Song tugged at Shen Peichuan’s hand as her face flushed with anger. “What do you take my daughter for? Something that you can dump anytime? Shen Peichuan, don’t you forget that you’d still be nothing today if not for Yaxin’s father!”

Captain Song rubbed his forehead vigorously, feeling ashamed of his wife.

“He is where he is because he is capable!” Captain Song pulled his wife away from Shen Peichuan. “Get back into the room! We don’t need you around here!”

Mrs. Song stared at her husband for a second before bawling out loudly, “Are you mad? Yaxin is your daughter! Why are you helping him instead? Shouldn’t you stand up for your daughter instead of helping the man who has dumped her?”

“Shut up!”

But Mrs. Song ignored her husband and carried on. To her, Shen Peichuan was undoubtedly the sinner who had done them wrong. It is all because of my husband that he can rise to the position of deputy chief at such a young age!

“Shen Peichuan, let me tell you! Don’t you think you can dump my daughter so easily! You must be responsible for her! You have made us a promise, so there’s no way will we allow you to abandon her!” Mrs. Song screamed as she pointed her finger at Shen Peichuan.

On the other hand, Captain Song could not take it any longer and said to Shen Peichuan, “You go back first. Everyone is too agitated now and there is no way we can talk things out peacefully. Let’s talk again when everyone has calmed down.”

Shen Peichuan had intended to make things clear with the Song family today, but it was apparent that it was out of the question now. Mrs. Song is too worked up today to discuss peacefully. Hence, he nodded. “Captain Song, I’m so sorry.”

He apologized from the bottom of his heart, feeling that he had done Captain Song wrong.

But Captain Song waved his hand dismissively, not wishing to hear his apology anymore.

“Let’s take a walk. We should talk things out amongst ourselves instead of causing my parents to be worried and upset.” Song Yaxin stood up and walked to Shen Peichuan’s side. “Let’s go.”

“Yaxin, you mustn’t be soft-hearted! He has made you a promise, so he cannot break it!” Mrs. Song reminded her daughter, worried that she might agree to the breakup on impulse.

Where else could she find another man so compatible with her?

“I will settle my own relationship matters,” Song Yaxin told her mother.

With that, she pulled Shen Peichuan’s hand and left home. Only when they reached downstairs did she let go of his hand. “Are you happy now that you have caused turmoil in my house?”

She clenched her fists tightly. How can I not know that Shen Peichuan does not like me? But I’m confident of making him fall in love with me one day!


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