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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 711

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 711

“What happened?” Lin Xinyan asked her son, who was sulky and standing in front of the sofa.

Zong Yanchen pointed at his sister, who was wailing loudly. “She wanted to play cat and mouse with me but cried after she lost.”

“Yanchen is irritating!” Zong Yanxi wiped the tears off her face, ran to her parents’ side, and complained, “He is so irritating!”

Lin Xinyan looked at her daughter and was at a loss for words.

It seems like she is back to her normal self now. And here I am, so worried that she might have been in too much shock to not have spoken for such a long time.

“When are you going to kick the habit of complaining?”

Zong Jinghao caressed her head. “You should admit defeat.”

Meanwhile, Sang Yu was picking up the cushions which the kids had thrown onto the floor during their game just now, as well as the toys that were lying around the entire living room.

Zong Yanxi had imagined that her daddy would side with her and chide her brother. After realizing that her daddy was not planning to be on her side, she pouted and ran to Sang Yu to help her pick up the toys.

“You mustn’t spoil this kid, or she will keep crying whenever she doesn’t get her way,” Lin Xinyan told Zong Jinghao.

“Are you implying that I have spoilt her?”

“You know it best.”

With that, Lin Xinyan approached Sang Yu and said, “Just leave the toys there. Aunt Yu will keep them later.”

Sang Yu stood up and grabbed the flank of her shirt awkwardly. “It’s nothing. I’m not tired.”

Lin Xinyan smiled. “Are you not used to staying here?”

Sang Yu bowed her head. “I’m fine.”

But Lin Xinyan could tell from her nervous state that she was not used to staying with them. Well, it is understandable. After all, we are practically strangers to her.

“Sorry, the two kids are very noisy.” Lin Xinyan tried to start a friendly conversation with her to ease her nerves.

Sang Yu smiled. “They are very adorable and smart.”

Lin Xinyan sat down on the sofa and gestured for Sang Yu to join her.

“I should help with the clean-up.” Sang Yu squatted down before the toy storage basket and joined Zong Yanxi to pick up items from the floor.

The toys were scattered all over the living room floor from the cat-and-mouse game that the kids were playing just now.

“When will Uncle Shen return?” Zong Yanxi asked Sang Yu.

Sang Yu had no idea. Shen Peichuan had not called her up, so she guessed that he must be still busy. She did not want to add to his troubles by questioning him on his whereabouts.

“I also don’t know.”

Zong Yanxi blinked her eyes innocently. “I thought you are his girlfriend? Why don’t you know where he is?”

Sang Yu was amused with Zong Yanxi. She’s merely a child, but she seems to know a lot of things beyond her years.

“Well, I can’t demand him to spend all his time with me even if I’m his girlfriend. He has to attend to some matters personally.”

But Zong Yanxi could not comprehend.

“You adults are so complicated and keep changing girlfriends.”

Sang Yu’s smile froze on her face immediately.

She is talking about Song Yaxin and me.

“She’s only a kid and doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” Lin Xinyan added immediately, fearing that Sang Yu might get the wrong idea.

Sang Yu shook her head vehemently. “Actually, it’s my fault.”

Come to think of it, I’m the third party who broke up Shen Peichuan and Song Yaxin.

After Zong Yanchen helped his sister return the toy storage basket to its rightful spot, he suggested, “Let’s go into the room.”

Zong Yanxi nodded. “Is Grandpa in the study? I want to see what they are up to!”

“Let’s go.” With that, the two children held hands and headed into the study, seemingly having forgotten about their earlier argument.

Sang Yu joined Lin Xinyan on the sofa. “Has Peichuan told you about my situation?”


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