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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 721

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 721

Su Zhan knelt beside the wall and took out a packet of cigarette. He then took one out and lit it in a clumsy manner.

This was the first time Qin Ya had seen him smoke.

She knew that Su Zhan was never a smoker, yet now he was discreetly smoking in a corner.

She could imagine how frustrated he was right now.

Well, I can’t get pregnant anymore, but his one and only family is rushing for him to get a child. Any man would feel tormented right now.

Qin Ya didn’t wish to see him in such a tormented state.

Dropping the idea of visiting his grandmother, she turned around and left quietly. She truly underestimated Grandma Su’s desperation to have a great-grandchild.

Qin Ya didn’t give it much thought before coming over. She only wanted to check on Su Zhan and visit his grandmother. But this impromptu visit finally made her realize the true problem between Su Zhan and herself.

How long could they last without a child?

Su Zhan would be fine without a child, but not his grandmother.

Qin Ya sat on the side of a fountain and took out her phone to call Su Zhan. The phone was only answered after a few rings.

She could imagine what he was doing before answering her call.

He must be either adjusting his emotions or putting out his cigarette.

“Ya,” Su Zhan’s voice sounded from the other side.

If she hadn’t seen him hiding in a corner smoking his frustrations away, Qin Ya would’ve thought he was in a brilliant mood from his voice alone.

But now, she knew his good mood was just a pretense he put up to shield his pain from her.

“Oh, nothing. I just feel like calling you,” Qin Ya spoke while staring at her feet. “Su Zhan.”


Let’s break up. Qin Ya wanted to say that to him.

Let’s not torture ourselves anymore.

Yet she found it hard to get those words out of her mouth.

Actually, she could feel that Su Zhan was still in love with her. She too felt the same towards him.

“Why aren’t you talking? Do you miss me now?”

Su Zhan’s voice sounded again, which pulled Qin Ya back to reality. “Oh, I just don’t know what I should say…”

She then stood up and dumped the flowers she bought into the bin. “I need to work now. Good-”

“Don’t hang up yet,” Su Zhan cut her off frantically.

“Anything?” Qin Ya asked in confusion.

“Are you going to end the call without saying that you miss me? Don’t you think that’s heartless of you?”

Qin Ya hailed a taxi while replying, “Can you not be so childish, Su Zhan?”

“Am I childish?” Su Zhan replied. Before Qin Ya could reply, he added again. “Yeah, I’m childish, but only to you.”

Qin Ya tightened her grip on her phone. She suddenly felt a painful prick in her heart after hearing his reply.

The taxi driver asked, “Where to, miss?”

“Ya, where are you now?”

“I’m taking the taxi outside.”

“I thought you say you’re working? Why are you riding a taxi now?” Su Zhan asked in confusion.

“I’m going out to meet a client. I have to hang up now.”

“Ok, go ahead. I know you don’t miss me, but that doesn’t stop me from missing you. Take good care of yourself. Once my grandma is discharged, I’ll go and see you.”


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