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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 723

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 723

But Zong Jinghao didn’t answer her. He closed the door and strode towards her.

Now Lin Xinyan felt nervous. Her hands were trembling subconsciously as he came nearer.

Judging from his reaction, that could only mean the result of her checkup was not good.

“What are you worried about?” Zong Jinghao took her hand. “I’m hungry. Let’s eat something.”

But Lin Xinyan refused to budge and only stared at him.

Zong Jinghao sighed at her stubbornness. He knew she would never be at ease if he didn’t give her an answer.

Still holding her hand, Zong Jinghao led his wife to the sofa. According to Lin Xinyan’s checkup, the baby had to be delivered prematurely. It would be dangerous to wait until the initial due date, as her uterus lining was way too thin and would subject to uterine rupture. If that happened, both the mother and fetus would be in grave danger.

The doctor had given the same advice as the doctors in their home country. If she refused to give birth by the seventh month, then she had to stay home and rest. At the most, she must give birth by the eighth month.

“The doctor said our baby is growing healthily, so it’s not dangerous for him to be delivered prematurely-”

“So the baby still has to be born prematurely?” Lin Xinyan interrupted.

Zong Jinghao tightened his grip on her hand. “Don’t be worried, ok?”

Lin Xinyan composed herself and replied, “I’m not worried.”

She then stood up from the sofa and whined cutely. “Didn’t you say you’re hungry? Let’s go out and grab something!” Lin Xinyan uttered while playing with his hand.

She decided to bury all her emotions beneath her light-hearted façade.

But Zong Jinghao knew she was faking it but he didn’t want to expose her.

He was as worried as she was. After all, this concerned his wife and the baby’s safety. But he couldn’t show his emotions before her.

Lin Xinyan would only be more anxious if she saw him looking down and pessimistic.

“I know a good restaurant here. Let’s have lunch there.” Zong Jinghao snaked his arm around her waist. “Since we are overseas now, anywhere you wish to go later? I can bring you there to relax.”

“Can I go to the nightclub?” Lin Xinyan suggested naughtily.

Zong Jinghao eyed her tummy. “You can’t drink, nor can you stand the smell of cigarettes. Why do you want to go to the club?”

“To check out some hot guys,” Lin Xinyan teased.

Zong Jinghao laughed and opened the car door. “Am I not hot enough?”

“The grass is always greener on the other side, and those other guys are always hotter than the husband. Oh, how deliciously hot they are!” Lin Xinyan teased back.

Zong Jinghao rested his elbow on the car door and peered downwards at her. “As delicious as they are, you’re not allowed to taste them or have a sniff of them. Your job now is to give birth to my son.”

Zong Jinghao paused before adding, “As for guys, the only guy you’re allowed to check out is me.”

Lin Xinyan grinned. “What if I get bored of you?”

Poor Zong Jinghao was rendered speechless.

Forgoing his dignity, he forced out his next words shamelessly, “I am the hottest guy in the world, so you won’t be bored of me. You won’t get enough of me instead.”

Lin Xinyan chuckled out loud at his narcissistic retort.

Zong Jinghao finally felt at ease when he saw her laugh.

Everything had been arranged by the person in charge of Wanyue’s branch office. The car they were riding in was also prepared by the person in charge when he heard wind of Zong Jinghao’s arrival.

Soon enough, the couple arrived at a fine dining restaurant. After parking the car, Zong Jinghao got down and opened the car door for Lin Xinyan. “This restaurant has dishes that you can’t find back in our country.”


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