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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 725

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 725

Ouch! Speak of the devil!

Shen Peichuan turned sideways to leave the room, only to be grabbed on the arm by Mrs. Song. “Why are you here for? Are you trying to see if my husband has died of a fit of rage?”

Till now, Mrs. Song still thought that everything was caused by Shen Peichuan.

Shen Peichuan did not want to quarrel with her, but Mrs. Song was not letting him off the hook.

“Come in this instant!” Captain Song yelled at his wife.

Mrs. Song snorted at Shen Peichuan angrily and banged into his shoulders while passing him. Captain Song glared at her sternly as she entered. “The doctor has said that I cannot get angry for now. If you want me to die right now, you can continue with your act to aggravate me.”

“Since when am I aggravating you? It’s him-”

“Enough, Mom,” Song Yaxin cut her off. She was scared that Shen Peichuan would expose all her dark past if her mother enraged him further.

After that, she raised her eyes and turned to Shen Peichuan coldly. “Thanks to you, my dad is now lying in the hospital. Are you happy with the outcome now?”

But Shen Peichuan only eyed her lazily.

There was no point in arguing further with a troublesome woman like her.

Captain Song’s hospitalization was not entirely caused by him, anyway. At the most, Shen Peichuan was just an indirect cause of this whole ordeal.

He tried to leave again, but Song Yaxin grabbed onto his arms to stop him from leaving. “Shen Peichuan! if you don’t like me, why did you promise to marry me, and then investigate me behind my back…”

Before she could finish her words, Shen Peichuan’s phone suddenly rang in his pocket. He took out his phone, and the caller ID shown was ‘cutie pie’.

Back then when Shen Peichuan got himself a new phone, Sang Yu was with him to choose the new model for him. She had declared that the first number to be saved in his new phone must be hers, so she took his phone the moment he bought it and keyed in her number.

When she reached the caller ID section, she had asked him, “How are you going to call me in the future?”

Shen Peichuan didn’t give much thought to it and just asked her to save her own name.

But Sang Yu tried to be naughty and saved her name as cutie pie instead.

She was a slim and petite woman, hence she looked very much like a little girl when she walked beside Shen Peichuan. She even teased him back then, “Will others thought I’m your daughter instead?”

Poor Shen Peichuan felt roasted from her joke.

Song Yaxin’s brows scrunched up when she saw the ID.

Cutie pie?

I didn’t expect a dense piece of log like him actually has such sense of humor. And who’s this cutie pie who’s calling him?

Song Yaxin narrowed her eyes at the ID. He really has a new girlfriend now?

She clenched her hands into fists at the thought. Who’s this woman who tries to steal my man?

Shen Peichuan did not answer the call on the spot. He swiftly left the room and put a distance between the room and himself before answering the call.

Sang Yu was calling to ask if he was coming home for dinner.

Shen Peichuan replied, “Yeah, I’m coming back for dinner.”

“Alright, then we’ll wait for you,” Sang Yu replied.

Shen Peichuan hummed in reply and ended the call. He didn’t leave the hospital right then, but went to visit Su Zhan’s grandmother instead.

Su Zhan was in Country C at that time, so it was Shen Peichuan who had sent her to the hospital.

When he reached the corridor leading to her ward, Shen Peichuan was surprised to see Su Zhan smoking in the smoking-room.

Su Zhan was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn’t notice Shen Peichuan entering the room.

He only lifted his head in surprise when Shen Peichuan landed a heavy pat on his shoulder. “Why are you here?”


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