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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 728

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 728

A car?

What car?

Shen Peichuan observed the car behind through the rearview mirror. He couldn’t help but frown when he realized who the person in the car was.

“Is she following you on purpose?” Qin Ya asked.

“I don’t think so.”

Why is she following me? There’s no reason for her to do that.

Qin Ya looked back again and deduced that the woman must be tailing Shen Peichuan, seeing how she was driving slowly behind their car. Given the current speed they were at, other drivers would have already tried to overtake them.

“Haven’t you work things out with her?” Having been through the experience herself, Qin Ya said, “I don’t want you to be like Su Zhan.”

And end up hurting Sang Yu.

“We’ve talked things out, and she’s agreed to an amicable breakup,” Shen Peichuan said.

“I see.” Qin Ya nodded.

According to Shen Peichuan’s personality, he’s not the type to cheat on his girlfriend.

Shen Peichuan floored the pedal to the metal, and the car behind followed. He then made a turn and the car behind followed as well.

Shen Peichuan began to hesitate. Song Yaxin stayed in South City, and this is North City. It’s totally two opposite ends. What if she sees Sang Yu at the villa when I get back?

Qin Ya was still observing the car behind. If this didn’t mean she was tailing before, what about now?

“Aren’t you going to handle that, Mr. Shen?” Qin Ya didn’t want him to follow in Su Zhan’s footsteps.

The one getting hurt in a love triangle is often the most innocent one.

She didn’t want Sang Yu to end up like her then.

Shen Peichuan stopped the car by the roadside, and the car behind stopped shortly after.

He looked back at Qin Ya and said, “Wait for me in the car.”

Qin Ya nodded. She wasn’t going to get in their way and make things worse for them.

Shen Peichuan got out of the car and walked toward the car behind.

Song Yaxin was still muttering to herself, wondering why did he stop the car when she saw him walking over.

Has he discovered that I’ve been following him?

She gripped the steering wheel tightly, her heart started racing as she watched Shen Peichuan coming closer.

Knock! Knock!

Shen Peichuan knocked on the car window.

Recollecting herself, Song Yaxin wound down the window and forced a smile. “What’s up?”

“Have you been following me?” Shen Peichuan asked straightforwardly.

“Just because I’m going the same way as you doesn’t mean that I’m following you.” Song Yaxin feigned composure despite panicking inside.


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