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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 743

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 743

Sang Yu was so shocked by his sudden appearance that she dropped the clothes in her hands.

Just like that, she stood completely naked in front of Shen Peichuan for a few seconds before she snapped out of it.

“W-W-What are you doing here?” She stammered nervously while grabbing the clothes from the floor to cover herself up.

“This is my house,” Shen Peichuan replied.

He was wondering why his house had been cleaned and heard some noises in his room, so he went inside and saw Sang Yu.

“Y-You didn’t see anything, did you?” Sang Yu asked.

Shen Peichuan played along and said, “No.”

Sang Yu lowered her head. “Can I take a shower here?”

Shen Peichuan had given her the keys to his house so that she could come over if her dorm were too noisy.

He had brought Sang Yu over once to show her the way after she left for the dorm, so this was actually her second time being at his house.

“Sure,” Shen Peichuan replied.

Sang Yu kept her head low as she quickly ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Her face was burning bright red, and her heart felt like it would jump out of her chest.

Images of her exposing herself in front of him earlier raced through her mind, and she covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

Shen Peichuan was sitting down on the sofa when he suddenly felt a strong sensation of thirst. He downed the glass of water on the table, but it wasn’t enough.

He then checked the refrigerator in the kitchen and was surprised when he saw it filled with all sorts of groceries. There were eggs, tomatoes, celery, pork, potatoes, carrots, bread, milk, and fruits including jackfruits, grapes, and a watermelon.

He grabbed a bottle of water and downed half of it, finally quenching his thirst.

Shen Peichuan took a look around the house and saw that the balcony was filled with laundry.

Although the layout of the furniture hadn’t been changed, having those little things added some warmth to his cold, empty house.

After living in the city all by himself for so many years, he craved for the warmth of people he could call family.

With the dryness in his throat relieved, he returned to the living room and placed the bottle on the coffee table.

The door to the bathroom opened shortly after, and Sang Yu came out dressed in his T-shirt.

Shen Peichuan had a tall and wide frame, so his T-shirt was long enough to cover her thighs.

“Have you taken your dinner?” She asked.

“Not yet.”

He was actually planning on ordering takeout.

Sang Yu said with a smile, “Give me a moment, I’ll go make you something to eat.”

She then retrieved the potatoes and beef from the refrigerator and began making beef stew with potatoes.

Shen Peichuan leaned against the sofa and felt his body relax as he watched her cook in the kitchen.

He really enjoyed such peaceful and quiet moments in his busy life.

Had she not been around, he would’ve been having takeout for dinner instead.

Sang Yu served up the food about an hour later and called out to him, “Dinner is ready!”

She had prepared two bowls of rice and two dishes.

Sang Yu placed a chunk of meat in his bowl. “Here, try this. It’s my first time making this dish.”

It had been cooked for forty minutes, so it was really soft and rich in flavor.

“It’s really good,” Shen Peichuan said and placed a chunk of it into her bowl. “Here, you should have some too.”

Sang Yu opened her mouth wide. “Feed me.”


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