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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 757

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 757

As Shen Peichuan put down the picture frame in his hands, Captain Song approached him. “Come and have a seat.”

He led Shen Peichuan to the sofa.

“I am retiring,” Captain Song said.

Shen Peichuan stared at him in silence.

He could tell that Captain Song regretted leaving his job, especially since he was yet of retirement age. Shen Peichuan figured that he must be in desolation.

“Actually, you-”

Captain Song waved at Shen Peichuan dismissively. After all, there was no use crying over spilled milk.

“I have recommended you as a candidate to take over my position. However, it is still all up to the higher-ups. You need to show them you are capable of it.” Captain Song glanced wistfully at his surroundings. “I will really miss my job a lot. It’s been so many years. How can I not get attached to this place?”

Shen Peichuan lowered his gaze to the floor. He did not know how to console the retiree.

“Bah! Let’s not talk about that! Would you do your boss a last favor and promise me you will forget about the past?”

Captain Song patted Shen Peichuan on his shoulders.

Shen Peichuan nodded. “Don’t worry. I never really took anything to heart.”

“Okay, I trust you.” Captain Song uttered remorsefully, “Sigh, everything’s my fault.”

Shen Peichuan did not respond.

“Alright, I shall leave you to your work. Also, I think it’s time I pack up and leave.” Captain Song rose from his seat. Shen Peichuan followed suit and said, “Let me send you off.”

Captain Song chuckled dryly. “All the years I spent grooming you didn’t go to waste after all.”

Shen Peichuan accompanied Captain Song outside. On their way, they met a few of their colleagues. Each of them expressed their regrets to see Captain Song leave and told him he would be missed dearly.

After the two of them passed the main entrance, Captain Song insisted on Shen Peichuan to leave. He wanted to walk out of that place alone.

Regardless of what happened, everyone was reluctant to part ways with their chief. Having worked together for such a long time, the bonds they formed with one another were irreplaceable.

Shen Peichuan stood at the door as he watched Captain Song’s silhouette disappeared into the distance. He was also dejected.

“Now that Captain Song is gone, the Deputy Chief can finally shine,” someone in the crowd behind Shen Peichuan muttered.

Shen Peichuan hushed the crowd and ordered, “Everyone, get back to work.”

“Yes, Captain Shen,” the same person responded wryly.

Shen Peichuan’s face darkened. “Stop spouting nonsense.”

As to who would succeed Captain Song was still undecided. Shen Peichuan also wasn’t sure whether he would be promoted to the position once held by Captain Song. It was unbecoming for anyone in the office to joke about serious matters as such.

The person tittered to himself before walking away.

It was the time for meetings in the office. Everyone left for their respective meetings with their own department.

After work, Shen Peichuan fetched Grandma Su to the hospital.

Shen Peichuan waited with Grandma Su outside the examination room for the doctor to be done with the checkup on Su Zhan.

While they were waiting, Shen Peichuan told Grandma Su about the accident Su Zhan got into. The old woman didn’t believe it at first. She thought it was a tale fabricated by that cheeky grandson of hers.


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