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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 762

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 762

It was an intimate topic the couple was going to cover. Shen Peichuan kept a straight face as he tightened his grip on Sang Yu’s little hand. “Let’s wait until you graduate.”

Sang Yu pecked him on his cheek. “By the time I graduate, how old will you be? Also, I might not be able to conceive a child right away. What if we have to try for a few years before we get a child? Then, wouldn’t you be too old to be a new father?”

Shen Peichuan slanted his eyes at his wife. “Don’t be ridiculous. No one can ever be too old to be a new father unless you are an octogenarian or something. There’s nothing to worry about. I am not even forty yet.”

Sang Yu chuckled and pinched Shen Peichuan’s chin. “Didn’t know you cared so much about your age.”

Shen Peichuan waved Sang Yu off. “I am still driving.”

Sang Yu obediently went back to her seat.

Shen Peichuan added, “I don’t care about age too much. It’s just because you’re young, and I don’t wish to age too quickly.”

Sang Yu found Shen Peichuan’s words quite amusing and adorable.

“It’s not like you are old.” You’re just more of a man than a boy.

Sang Yu figured that Shen Peichuan’s maturity had made him appear older than he actually was.

Sang Yu sat quietly in her seat. Not before long, they were already in their neighborhood. Shen Peichuan parked his car in the basement and the two of them took the lift to the level they were staying on.

Once the two got into their house, Sang Yu took the bento boxes to the kitchen. There was still a bowl of soup leftover. Sang Yu asked, “There’s still some soup here. You want to finish it? It’s going to be a waste if you don’t.”

Shen Peichuan strolled to his wife. “You don’t want to drink it?”

Sang Yu shook her head resolutely. “It’s too late. I don’t want to get fat.”

Shen Peichuan stared her up and down. “You’re not fat, and even if you’re fat, you’re still the same.”

“No, I don’t want to gain weight.” No girls nowadays wanted to grow a few pounds heavier, especially for a newly-wedded woman like Sang Yu. She was determined to maintain her slim figure so that she would look great in her man’s eyes.

Shen Peichuan finished the bowl of soup and passed the bowl to her. “I’ll shower now.”

His clothes were drenched in sweat after working for the whole day.

Sang Yu replied, “Alright. I’ll help you wash your bowl.”

Shen Peichuan held a deep gaze at Sang Yu but nothing came out of his mouth.

He left to get a fresh pair of clothes before heading to the bathroom.

Sang Yu placed the bento boxes into the sink before turning on the tap. She squeezed out some dishwashing liquid on the sponge before wiping the boxes clean. After cleaning the dishes, she left the kitchen to keep the dried clothes from the laundry rack on the balcony.

She folded up the laundry rack and placed the clothes into a basket.

She took the clothes to the living room and started to fold them. Suddenly, a strong arm grabbed her by her waist. She turned her head to find herself staring into Shen Peichuan’s eyes.

Shen Peichuan just got out of the shower. The light, pleasant fragrance of his shampoo still lingered on him. His hair was still damp as he only dried them with his towel and not the blow-dryer.


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