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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 77

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 77

Lin Xichen looked behind him.

And saw the man who stood beside the sink. He was wiping his hands elegantly, and he looked up lazily. “Not tall enough?”

Lin Xichen tilted his head upwards. He lost in the comparison at height, but he could not lose in having a strong presence.

“I’m not peeing.” He would not admit in front of this heartless man that he was not tall enough to pee.

Zong Jinghao threw the paper towel he was wiping his hands with into the trash can and looked at the boy. “Are you sure you don’t need my help?”

“No.” Lin Xichen said with his head held high.

“Sure.” Zong Jinghao folded his sleeve up, showing his muscular upper arm, and one of his hand was stuffed in his pocket. He looked at the urinal, then back at Lin Xichen’s height. “You’re stubborn.”

Lin Xichen pursed his lips. His forehead was filled with sweat, and he trembled.

He could not hold it in for much longer.

Yet in front of this heartless man, he could not admit defeat nor request for his help.

He clenched his tiny fists, and he tried his best to endure it.

Zong Jinghao raised his brow and leaned on the mirror by his side. He wanted to see how long this boy could stand.

He definitely had a determined personality in this tiny body.

“Can you tell me why you’re hostile to me?”

Lin Xichen became angrier. This man did not want his mommy, and yet he still kissed her.

He had no right. He wanted to look for a man much better than him for mommy.

“You bullied my mommy; don’t think I didn’t see it.” Lin Xichen glared at him.

If looks could kill, he would be dead.

“I bullied her?” The words rolled around in his head as he wondered when did the boy saw him bullying Lin Xinyan.

They only met twice.

The first time he had given him a big “surprise”.

He narrowed his eyes. Could he have seen him dragging Lin Xinyan away and kissing her at the staircase in LEO? That’s why—


Zong Jinghao straightened himself, walked forward and crouched in front of Lin Xichen. He looked at his eyes on equal level and gave a glance at his crossed legs. “I did. What can you do about it?” He mocked.

Lin Xichen’s glared harder. He wanted to gobble him up like a tiger.

His body trembled, but it was difficult to discern if it was from holding back his urge to pee or it was because he was angry.

“Beg me, and I’ll help you. How about that?” Zong Jinghao stood up and brushed his unwrinkled shirt. “If you don’t need me, I’ll leave now.”

He was about to pee.

Lin Xichen’s tears was about to come out. “Don’t— Don’t go. I need—”

“Who did you come with?”

“My mommy, grandma— I’m about to pee.” Lin Xichen eyes were red, and he looked pitiful.

Zong Jinghao did not continue to tease him. He walked in front of him and said, “Take off your pants by yourself.”

Lin Xichen’s actions were swift, and his pants were off in a second.

Zong Jinghao carried him up from behind to a height suitable for him and walked towards the urinal.

“Thank you.” Lin Xichen said after peeing.

Zong Jinghao was stunned. He never thought that the boy would say thanks.

Lin Xichen wore his pants and looked at Zong Jinghao. “I’m good with differentiating grudges and gratitude. Your help to me does not mean that I’ll forgive you.”

Zong Jinghao was speechless.

Forgive him?

Did he do anything that needs his pardon?

Walking out of the bathroom, Zong Jinghao looked downwards at him. “Which room are you in?”

Lin Xichen’s gears in his head turned. Why was he asking this? Was he going to bully mommy again?


Zong Jinghao’s footsteps faltered, and he looked at him. This boy was cautious.

“I should be going.” Lin Xichen sensed that he saw through his lie, and he ran off.

It was such a misfortune to meet with this heartless man the moment they came back.

He made sure that no one had followed him before he leaned against the wall. He raised his hand and he used his smart watch to call his teacher for help.

In a moment, the call went through.

“Teacher, I saw that heartless man again.”


He explained to his teacher what had happened during his meeting with Zong Jinghao.


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