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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 789

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 789

“I can’t go home. I’m going to sue my son-in-law. I’ve been to a few law firms, but they’ve refused to take me in after I told them that I was going to sue the Lu family.” With that, the elderly woman was about to burst into tears again.

Su Zhan remained calm as he handed her the cup of water. “Here, have some water. Drink it slowly.”

Qin Ya wasn’t familiar with B City yet. She leaned nearer to Su Zhan’s ear and asked softly, “Is the Lu family powerful?”

Otherwise, why would the other law firms refuse to take up the case?

Su Zhan whispered, “They are an influential family.”

There were plenty of wealthy and powerful families in B City.

The elderly woman’s eyes were puffy from crying. She had clearly been crying for some time after running into trouble.

She reached out and took the water from Su Zhan. After taking a gulp, her throat felt so much better.

Su Zhan told the receptionist to refill her cup, but she immediately refused. “No need, no need.”

The receptionist refilled her cup.

The elderly woman had calmed down by now. “My daughter had died a wrongful death!”

Su Zhan massaged his temples. She’s getting emotional once again.

Just as he thought, the elderly woman started wailing again.

It took her a while to finally calm down and explain her situation.

She told her story in snippets, but they got the gist of it. Apparently, her daughter had married into a wealthy family and had given birth to a son, but her son-in-law had cheated on her daughter and had even told the son to call his mistress “Mom.”

Her daughter accepted the fact and refused to get a divorce, but the wealthy Lu family insisted on a divorce. Her daughter received a house and two million as her divorce settlement. However, her daughter insisted on taking full custody of her son.

As the son was the only heir of the Lu family, they refused to give up the custody.

Her daughter couldn’t accept the fact that her son was calling another woman “Mom.” She was utterly distressed and jumped down from the building that she had received from her ex-husband together with her son.

As she had leaped from the twentieth floor, her body was entirely disfigured.

The Lu family was furious. She could die, but why did she commit suicide with the child?

Hence, the elderly woman thought that her daughter had died a wrongful death. The Lu family were the ones who had driven her daughter to death, so she decided to sue her ex-son-in-law.

After hearing her story, Qin Ya was terrified. Her expression soured immediately.

Su Zhan told her to go to his office, but she refused to move an inch.

“The other law firms dared not take my case as I’ve wanted to sue the Lu family. So…”

“Do you have evidence that your son-in-law had an extra-marital affair?” questioned Su Zhan.

The elderly woman exclaimed, “My daughter saw them with her own eyes—”

Su Zhan interrupted her. “I mean substantial evidence. Your daughter is dead, so she can’t be a witness. Besides, she had committed suicide. If you don’t have any substantial evidence, no one will dare to take your case. The other party is rich and powerful, but you don’t even have any evidence. Think about it. Did your daughter leave any evidence behind?”

The elderly woman was agitated. “He’s going to marry that mistress of his. Is that not enough evidence?”


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