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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 798

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 798

He had thought that Sang Yu would send him something like ‘I miss you too!’, but he was pleasantly surprised to receive a poem instead.

On this beautiful spring day, I shall bask in fine wine and song. All I have is three wishes: your health, my vitality, and your return to where we belong.

He turned to Google to check the meaning of the poem, though he could roughly guess what it was just by looking at it.

The more he read about it, the bigger his smile got.

Thanks for the poem, he replied.

Meanwhile, Sang Yu had buried herself in the sheets once again after sending the message. Ugh, I’m so embarrassed! He’s going to think that I’m trying too hard!

She almost jumped out of bed when she heard the sound of another notification, though she hesitated before picking her phone up. What if he thinks that I’m too sappy?

She picked up her phone to look at the message, and her shy smile melted away immediately.

‘Thanks for the poem’?

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Do you understand what I just sent you? she typed.

Shen Peichuan thought she was just checking if he understood the meaning of the poem, and he chuckled out of amusement. I know! You’re giving your blessings to our relationship, he replied.

Sang Yu was speechless.

There’s something wrong with him…

All I’m asking is a poem in return! Even if you couldn’t write me another poem, at least say something like ‘me too’!

You can’t just thank me for writing you a poem!

How would I know if you wanted to live the rest of your life with me?

She pursed her lips as she typed, I’m going to sleep.

Alright, good night, he replied.

Sang Yu felt like throwing her phone against the wall. This stupid man! You’re practically a different person with your pants off!

She decided to stop thinking about him and only text him if he took the initiative.

All she needed was a little reciprocation from the man she loved the most, and yet he could not even give her the bare minimum.


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