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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 808

“Yes, yes. Coming!” Wang Tingxue brisk-walked into the store with Sang Yu.

Lin Xinyan grinned as she observed them. “Talking about me behind my back?”

Sang Yu just gave her a faint smile. “Tingxue merely wondered if you had kids since you were buying kids’ clothes. I told her that you are a mother of three and she commented that you looked so young!”

“Also, that you are very beautiful,” Wang Tingxue quickly added.

Lin Xinyan simply smiled slightly as she heard this. After all, she was human, and any human would be secretly glad that others appreciated them for their beauty– it was just that she did not make it obvious through her facial expressions.

“Is this for the boy?” Wang Tingxue noted that the red hoodie that she held up looked to be for boys.

Lin Xinyan nodded.

The sales assistant chimed in, “This hoodie would look good with black casual pants or jeans.”

Lin Xinyan herself was very good with colors. There was, in fact, no need for the sales assistant to tell her what would look good with the hoodie. She was a fashion designer and had a unique eye for clothes. This was also why her children often appeared as though they were very fashionable.

She asked Sang Yu and Wang Tingxue to help because they were young and could offer her a fresh perspective. She wanted to enrich herself by listening to their insights.

Wang Tingxue looked at the mannequin and saw that it was dressed in the same red hoodie with black casual pants.

“I think that it will look good.”

Sang Yu nodded. “White sneakers would look nice too.”

Wang Tingxue gestured to a pair of chunky sneakers and pointed out, “I think that chunkier sneakers look better.”

“No, white canvas sneakers.”

The two continued their debate on the matter, while Lin Xinyan just watched them as they enjoyed their time.

How nice it is to be young again!

While she looked young, she was much more emotionally mature than them.

At long last, Lin Xinyan bought two sets of clothes at the store and continued shopping at other stores. She managed to get about two to three sets of new clothes for each kid.

Lin Xinyan got her driver to send Wang Tingxue back to school before heading to the villa with Sang Yu.

The baby was awake when they reached home. He is so cute, with his big, round eyes! Sang Yu quickly washed her hands and played with the baby, while Lin Xinyan brought the newly-purchased clothes into the room. Then, she fished out her phone and texted Shen Peichuan: Come over for dinner.

At the same moment, Shen Peichuan was alone at home watching TV. It was just a random show about crime and society. Needless to say, he felt quite bored when Sang Yu was not around.

He rushed to pick up the phone as the notification rang. He thought that it was Sang Yu who texted. When he saw that it was Lin Xinyan, he looked a little disappointed. He did not feel like going out and replied: I don’t think I’ll be heading over.

Very quickly, Lin Xinyan sent another message: Sang Yu is here. Your choice.

After sending that message, Lin Xinyan placed her phone down and walked out to the living room. Sang Yu was playing with the baby on the sofa. As she saw Lin Xinyan, she remarked, “He’s growing to look more and more like you.”


“Yes. They all say that a boy is blessed to look like his mother, and a daughter is blessed to look like her father. It seems like this little one is a very lucky baby!” There was actually no scientific proof to this, and she merely repeated what she had heard from her elders. Nonetheless, it still sounded very auspicious and any parent would appreciate it if their child resembled them.

Lin Xinyan sat down next to her and rubbed her baby’s cheeks. She asked Sang Yu, “Are you tired?”

The latter shook her head.

She actually did not feel tired at all. There were seats in almost every store that she had walked into earlier. Not much walking was done.


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