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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 83

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 83

As Lin Xichen loved shrimps, Zhuang Zijin looked at him with a pampering smile and said, “Okay, I’ll buy it.”

“I want some too.” Whatever her brother wanted, she wanted it too even though she might not really like it.

“Fine, I’ll buy it.” Zhuang Zijin had been used to it.

Aunt Yu looked with surprise at Lin Xichen and Lin Ruixi who was talking. These two kids were so good-looking and even had a pair of bright eyes that looked exactly the same as Zong Jinghao’s when he was young.

“I know which stall always sells fresh shrimps.” Aunt Yu walked over while looking at the two kids, and said, “They are….”

Zhuang Zijin was used to having someone struck up a conversation with her. As long as she was with the two kids in the past, the people would look at them and even come up and talk to her.

She was used to deal with this kind of situation.

“My grandchildren.”

“They are good-looking.” Aunt Yu just couldn’t take her eyes off these two kids as they were really adorable.

Zhuang Zijin smiled. Yes, they are the ones who motivated her to live. To take care of them for her daughter will be her responsibility for the rest of her life, and the happiest thing that she has ever done.

“Hello aunt.” Lin Xichen was particularly sweet.

“Hello.” Aunt Yu touched his head and asked, “What is your name?”

“My name is Lin Xichen.”

“What a pleasant name.” Aunt Yu thought that this boy didn’t just look handsome, but the name given to him was pleasant too.

“Why didn’t you ask me, aunt?” Lin Ruixi was a little unhappy as she looked at Aunt Yu while blinking her eyes.

Since she asked her brother but not her, was she not as good-looking as him?

“I’m definitely going to ask you.” Aunt Yu smiled. This kid was too adorable as she would get jealous of her brother even though she was so young.

“What’s your name?” Aunt Yu asked her smilingly.

“I’m Lin Ruixi. My brother and I took our mom’s surname.” Lun Ruixi said happily.

Aunt Yu was stunned. They were given mother’s surname?

“Which stall did you say have fresh shrimps?” Zhuang Zijin interrupted her when she was pondering it. Since children normally bear their father’s surname, those who heard that they took their mother’s surname would try to dig into their family matters.

But she didn’t like to have strangers delving into their family matters.

“Oh.” Aunt Yu pointed at somewhere which was not far from here and said, “That stall. I can lead the way. Since I’m their regular customer, they surely won’t cheat when I’m present.”

Aunt Yu was very eager to help and immediately walked ahead to lead the way for them.

Zhuang Zijin pushed the trolley and followed her.

When they reached the stall, Aunt Yu greeted the boss and asked, “Are the shrimps fresh today?”

“Definitely fresh. Please take a look.” The boss used his small fishing net to pick up some shrimps, which were all jumping vigorously.

“Since you are my regular customer and it’s not the first time that you buy shrimps from me, I’m sure you know whether my shrimps are fresh enough.” The boss said eloquently, “If you are buying shrimps from me, I’ll give you the best offer. How about 48 per catty? I won’t simply give anyone an offer lower than 60.”

“Two catties for me, please.” Aunt Yu readily said.

She had money.

She wasn’t an extravagant person and would normally bargain before purchasing anything. But she knew the boss very well, and other stalls would really not sell their shrimps below 60 per catty.

She always purchased shrimps from his stall and knew that he would not lie to her.

“The price of two catties and three tails would be…”

“110.4.” Lin Xichen had finished calculating and said it even before the boss could.

The boss was stunned for a while before he continued to press ‘enter’ on the calculator, and the number shown on it was exactly 110.4.

“How old are you? You are so smart.” The boss laughed. It was his first time to see a good-looking kid who was very smart as well.

“I’m five years old.” Even though Lin Xichen was praised by him, he didn’t hold his head up as it was just a simple math question.


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