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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 847

Afraid that she might not understand it, Shen Peichuan explained it to her.

This was one of the cases that happened while he was working outstation. The one who reported it was a family member of the deceased.

The victim died because he had taken fake medication, and he was delayed from undergoing the appropriate treatment.

When his family member found his medication, they realized they could not find the pharmaceutical company labeled on the packaging. Hence, they went to the officials only to find out the medication was a scam.

That was why they had made a police report.

Instead of alerting the man, the police secretly investigated the case. Some of the officers even disguised as patients and visited the doctor. They found out that most of the prescribed medication were fake. Although they were harmless to the body, they were unable to treat any illnesses.

These criminals were taking advantage of the stingy people who would rather buy cheaper medication.

But one could haggle over anything but medication.

“He isn’t a quack doctor because he’s not even a doctor. He faked every qualification he has and made his own medication with cheap materials. They won’t hurt anyone, but they won’t fix the illnesses either. We’ve found out that many of these medications have entered the market and are in drug stores now. However, we’ve destroyed the factory manufacturing these medications, and we’ve arrested those involved.”

“Will they be executed?” Sang Yu asked.

She hoped they would be executed.

Shen Peichuan replied, “There’s a department specializing in cases like this. The court will decide their final punishment, but they’ll definitely go to prison.”

Sang Yu thought, They’re letting them go too easily. What about those who were hurt by the fake medication?

That man who had looked for Shen Peichuan earlier had been the one handling the case files.

“Sang Yu, I still have some things to attend to. I’ll ask for someone to send you home and bring the medication you’ve taken back here. I’ll need them for lab testing…”

“Do you think that what I’ve taken is fake too?” Sang Yu widened her eyes. If Shen Peichuan is right and they’re fake, then…

Shen Peichuan had been hoping that the medication she took was harmless to the body, but if she had taken a placebo, then her baby would be safe.

Jumping to her feet, she yelled, “I’ll go home right away!”

Shen Peichuan frowned. “Slow down.”

Realizing that she was too agitated, Sang Yu pulled at her hair. “I’ll be more careful next time.”

“Chief Shen, the higher-ups are here at the meeting room,” Chen informed upon entering the room. Shen Peichuan replied, “I got it.”

He picked up the cap from the table and informed Sang Yu, “Wait outside. Someone will send you home.”

Sang Yu nodded. Just as she was about to run out, she recalled Shen Peichuan reminding her to be more careful. Hence, she slowly walked out instead.

Half an hour later, Sang Yu returned with the medication from home. The officer that Shen Peichuan had assigned to her then took it to the lab for testing.

Meanwhile, Sang Yu stayed in the waiting room.

Two hours later, the results came back. The lab technician handed her the papers as he explained to her the results. Visibly, Sang Yu’s expression changed from anxious to relaxed.


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