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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 854

Wang Dui shot a look at Sang Yu. “You’re Shen Peichuan’s wife, right? We’re in the middle of a meeting, and not everyone is invited. You can’t barge in even if you’re Chief Shen’s wife. Please leave right away!”

Sang Yu circled around Shen Peichuan and placed the box on the table. She replied, “I understand that as a family member, I have no right to barge in and speak up like this. I only came because this is urgent.”

She then added firmly, “When I clocked off yesterday, I received a box of apples. It’s not worth much, but as a family member of a public servant, I thought that I shouldn’t even accept this box of apples, so I brought it over.”

Wang Dui shifted his gaze to the box and asked, “Are there apples inside the box?”

Sang Yu refuted, “The box says ‘Apples’ and it has a picture of an apple on it. What else could be in there? Bananas?”

“It’s just a box of apples, so it’s nothing much…”

“It may be a simple box of apples, but it is still a gift, and we can’t accept it. I may be young, but I am educated as well. The president has clarified that public servants cannot accept even a single piece of thread from the people. This box of apples is worth hundreds of spools of thread.”

Wang Dui’s eyes shifted as his mind spun. He said, “You know, it’s been a while since I had some apples. How about we open the box up and have some?”

Sang Yu replied, “Do what you want. It’s not mine, so I can’t decide.”

Wang Dui peeled the tape off and opened the box.

He then shook the contents out to show everyone the wads of cash. “Are these apples to you?” growled Wang Dui.

Sang Yu put on a surprised expression.

Everyone had their eyes on her once more.

Wang Dui then added, “Are you doing all this and putting on an act because you know that your evil deeds have been exposed? Do you think you can feign innocence just like that?”

Sang Yu turned to Wang Dui. Lin Xinyan had analyzed the situation and shared her thoughts with Sang Yu when they traveled to the police station. The former guessed that it was highly probable that the culprit would insist on pinning the crime on them.

As predicted, someone did voice up.

Lin Xinyan had informed, “Someone might claim that you already know about being exposed and are feigning innocence by pretending not to know anything.”

Hence, Sang Yu came prepared. She replied calmly, “I didn’t know that the box contains cash. Someone shoved the box to me and forced me to accept it. If I had known that it’s cash, I would have sent it over right after I received it last night. The only reason I let it sit in my house for a night and only delivered it over this morning is that I thought that it’s just a box of apples. If I knew that it contains cash, I would never have let it stayed overnight at my home.”

“Ha! Someone forced you to accept it? Now, why don’t I believe that?”

Sang Yu replied, “You can investigate the matter. Oh, and uh…”

Sang Yu had saved the security footage she got from the guardhouse into her phone. She handed her phone over and added, “You can check this footage and decide for yourself.”

The man standing beside Shen Peichuan accepted the mobile phone and connected it to the laptop. The footage was then played for everyone to see.

Wang Dui refused to admit defeat. He turned to Shen Peichuan and insisted, “Don’t tell me you know nothing about it. Why didn’t you bring the cash in yourself?”

“He knows nothing. Check the timestamp on the footage. You can see…”

“How does that prove that Chief Shen is unaware of the bribe?” interrupted Wang Dui.

Sang Yu answered calmly, “The timestamp shows that I received the apples yesterday at six in the evening. I was already asleep by the time Peichuan got home, so I didn’t tell him about it. I’m sure there are witnesses in the station who can tell you when Peichuan left work.”

As soon as she finished speaking, a man spoke up. “Chief Shen was with us last night. A new lead came up for our recent case, so we worked until midnight before we left. It’s understandable that Mrs. Shen would already be asleep then.”

Everything fell into place. The timestamps matched, the logic flowed smoothly, and there was no flaw in any of that. It was obvious that Shen Peichuan didn’t know that his wife had accepted a box of apples and left it at home overnight.

There were witnesses and proofs.

“We still received an anonymous tip, though. Everything is clear now, but we still have to go through the procedure and investigate the matter. As a department responsible for monitoring public servants, we will not tolerate any mishaps. We do not allow any corruption and will not let anyone be framed either.”


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