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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 862

After she opened the door, she saw a figure sitting by the desk.

There was only a dim white light in the room while the still air reinforced the somber atmosphere. Within the spacious room, lay a massive desk.

On it, there was a brush and some paper. Zong Qifeng loved to write calligraphy.

However, the man who used to be holding the brush and bent over writing was gone.

As Lin Xinyan walked up, the ink within the inkstone itself had dried out but she could still catch a whiff of its fragrance. When she looked at the figure sitting at the desk, she hesitated as she didn’t know what to say. She simply walked up to him and gave him a hug.

After some time, a raspy voice broke the silence. “When day breaks, others will be here. You have to regain your composure as soon as possible.”

Zong Jinghao scanned around the room. To him, everything looked familiar and surreal at the same time. He continued, Yan, I’ve lost another family member.”

His mother was gone, and now, so was his father.

Lin Xinyan felt her nose burn as she curled her arms around him. In a choking voice, she reassured him, “You still have me and the kids. We will always be by your side.”

Zong Jinghao squeezed her tightly in his arms and buried his face in her chest, trembling.

Unable to find the words to console him, Lin Xinyan stayed by his side quietly.

After a long while, dawn started to break and Zong Jinghao let go of her.

As Lin Xinyan looked at his calm face, she knew that he had hidden his sadness away. Now wasn’t the time to show it.

Since Zong Qifeng had died, they wanted to ensure his soul could rest in peace. Hence, the funeral arrangements now took precedence.

Knock! Knock!

Someone suddenly knocked on the study room door.

Zong Jinghao answered, “Come in.”

Aunt Yu pushed open the door and reported, “There’s someone here and is crying in the room.”

Aunt Yu had seen the person before, it was one of their relatives.

“I understand.” Zong Jinghao stood up. Remembering that the kids hardly slept, he got Lin Xinyan to check on them while he went to the room.

Approaching the room, he heard someone crying inside. Despite how loud it sounded, it felt insincere as Zong Jinghao couldn’t detect the sadness from within.

As he entered, he saw a man in a Chinese tunic suit leaning by the bed, crying.

Although Zong Jinghao rarely saw the man, he could still recognize him as Zong Qifeng’s cousin. In other words, his uncle.

Due to some issues with his health, he mostly kept to himself.

The man was thin and had his thick black hair slicked to the back, exposing the interlacing strands of white hair. Despite his pale skin and pigmentation due to old age, he looked relatively energetic.

However, it was a surprise to see him arrive in such a short time.

“Jinghao, why didn’t you tell me your father wasn’t feeling well? I didn’t even get to say goodbye. Is this how you do your duty as a son?” He questioned Zong Jinghao from the get-go.

For someone that he rarely saw, Zong Jinghao was curious to see him appear the moment Zong Qifeng passed on.


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