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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 866

Shen Peichuan wasn’t sure what had happened but he rushed over right after Sang Yu called him.

Now, he was also in a panic.

“Time is of the essence, we need to go back now,” Shen Peichuan asserted.

“What’s going on?” Lin Xinyan sensed that something urgent had come up despite not hearing what Shen Peichuan had whispered to Zong Jinghao.

“Let’s go home first,” Zong Jinghao instructed.

Lin Xinyan nodded. Her face was slightly pale and looked exceptionally haggard. The last few days since Zong Qifeng passed away, she hardly ate or slept. Hence, she looked terrible.

When they were descending the steps, she suddenly lost her balance due to the slippery ground caused by the rain. The moment she slipped, her body fell forward. Luckily, Zong Jinghao was alert and caught her quickly, saving her from the fall.

She had a rude shock and felt her vision fade for a brief moment. “I’m alright.”

She rubbed her forehead to regain her senses.

After that, Zong Jinghao held her waist as they walked out of the cemetery.

“Su Zhan, Qin Ya.”

Zong Jinghao looked at both of them, “Please take them back to the villa on my behalf.”

“Where are you going?” Lin Xinyan wound down the windows.

“Peichuan and I have something to do.” Zong Jinghao’s expression was calm. “I’m afraid you might be too emotional at home, so it’s better to stay at the villa for two days.”

Lin Xinyan replied, “The baby is still at home. I’m worried about him.”

She wanted to go back instead.

Zong Jinghao clenched his fist as fury raged within him. However, he did not show any of it on his face. “Just go to the villa first.”

Just as he spoke, he didn’t give Lin Xinyan time to respond. “Let the two kids rest properly. Qin Ya, sorry for the trouble.”

“Don’t worry.” Qin Ya entered the car..

Su Zhan asked, “Where are you going? I’ll come with you…”

“You should head to the villa too.” Zong Jinghao was worried as there were only women and children there. Hence, he preferred that Su Zhan was there with them.

Su Zhan replied, “Alright.”

After they left, Zong Jinghao and Shen Peichuan rushed home.

Meanwhile, Sang Yu was crying in panic while pacing around the living hall.

When she saw them return, she rushed towards them and apologized. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

“Now is not the time for apologies. How did the baby disappear?” Shen Peichuan reached out to wipe her tears.

“I was upstairs the whole time watching over the baby. No one else came by. And then, about an hour ago, I came down to get some water. When I went back up, the baby was gone,” Sang Yu explained frantically.

“Think carefully, is there no one else that came by?” Shen Peichuan questioned.

He was worried that Sang Yu missed something in her panic.

Sang Yu was close to having a nervous breakdown. She was watching the baby and now that it was gone, she held herself accountable. If the baby couldn’t be found, how was she going to face Lin Xinyan and Zong Jinghao?

“N-No…” Sang Yu didn’t see anyone come by.

When Zong Jinghao glanced at Sang Yu, he knew that she wasn’t able to give any meaningful answers in her panic. Therefore, he headed into his study to check the security footage from the camera overlooking the main entrance. He knew he would be able to see if anyone came in or out.

Once he turned on the computer, the monitor was all dark. It was obvious that someone had sabotaged it.


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