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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 889

Zong Yanxi muted her mobile phone as she crept toward the car, knowing that Gu Xian might call again.

Walking on the roads would be too obvious. She took cover in the bushes on the foot of the hill as she got closer.

It was only then that she saw the black jeep parked in front of the red car.

“What’s with this terrible meet-up location?” A man in shades grumbled, his annoyance apparent in his voice.

“I’d like to loan a few of your men. Don’t worry, money wouldn’t be a problem,” Ling Wei said.

The man smirked. “There’s no way that I would accept your requests again. The two men whom I sent out a year ago are still missing till this day.”

“So what if they went missing? That has nothing to do with me. I paid the money, and you guys are responsible for the rest.” Ling Wei crossed her arms. “I’ll pay a lot more this time.”

The man took off his shades, thinking. “Why are you doing this again?” He asked.

“None of your business. I just need your men.” She cut him off with swagger, and said, “You aren’t worried about taking a request from me, are you? Don’t you know me well enough by now?”

The man stayed quiet as he considered her request.

The two men from a year ago were nowhere to be found—dead or alive, there were no traces of them whatsoever. He had always felt guilty about what happened to them.

“One million,” Ling Wei continued.

Twice the amount that I offered a year ago.

Still hiding in the bushes, Zong Yanxi saw her mobile phone screen suddenly lit up in her pocket. It was Gu Xian. He had already arrived at the meet-up point, but could not find Zong Yanxi.

Phew. Who knows what might happen if I didn’t mute my phone…

Zong Yanxi inhaled deeply, declined the call, and continued keeping her eye on Ling Wei.

The man seemed to be in a dilemma. A million was sure a great price, but he did not want his men to go missing again. After a moment of silence, he replied, “I’ll accept your request, but my men have to come back alive.”

“Sure thing,” Ling Wei said.

“I’ll send out two men tomorrow,” he said, getting on the car.

Ling Wei looked around, making sure that nobody was in the area before leaving.

Seeing that they had left, Zong Yanxi crept out of the bushes.

From what she had heard, she could deduce that Ling Wei commissioned the man who disguised himself as Jiang Mohan’s underling a year ago.

Who is her target this time?

She felt a chill down her spine. How did I not see this earlier on? How did I not realize that Ling Wei is such a cruel, cold-blooded person?

Her mobile phone screen lit up again. She quickly answered the call. “Where in the world are you?” Gu Xian sounded really worried.

“I’ll be there in a second.” She sped off to the roadside.

“Where did you go?” Gu Xian paced about restlessly near his car.

“Sorry, I-I was held up,” Zong Yanxi said apologetically.

“God knows how worried I was! Are you alright?” Gu Xian gushed, upon seeing Zong Yanxi.

Zong Yanxi shook her head, saying, “I’m fine.”

“I thought that you had gotten into some accident again. Come on, let’s go.” Gu Xian opened the car door for her.

As Zong Yanxi got into the car, she turned to look at Gu Xian, her eyes all serious. “Thank you so much, Gu Xian.”

“Don’t be cheesy. Let’s get on our way,” Gu Xian said, making a disgusted face.

Zong Yanxi knew that he was not actually angry.

“What were you doing in such a secluded place?” Gu Xian asked as he drove the car.


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