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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 905

Sighing, Nan Cheng moved to leave with Jiang Mohan.

Ling Wei could not accept this! She loved Jiang Mohan with all her heart, yet this was what she got in return? No, she refused to accept her fate!

“Jiang Mohan, don’t you like me at all? Not even a little? I would die willingly if I’d only known that you’d liked me just the tiniest bit!”

Jiang Mohan halted in his tracks. Turning his head slightly to look back at her, he stated firmly, “I’ve never loved you. In fact, I’ve never liked you even the tiniest bit either!”

He had never held a single shred of romantic interest toward her ever.

Ling Wei pounded the floor with her fists, shrieking, “No, that’s impossible! There’s no way that’s true! You most definitely liked me!”

Not wanting to deal with her anymore, Jiang Mohan turned around and continued walking.

“Jiang Mohan!”

Ling Wei’s unrepentant voice rang out incessantly, “I love you! I love you so very much! I’m even willing to die for you! Why are you so cruel? How could you be so heartless? How could you do this to me?”

Once again, Jiang Mohan stopped walking. He even spun around and took two steps toward her. “You said that you’re willing to die for me? Then die! At least you can keep her company in the afterlife!”

Ling Wei was utterly dumbfounded.

Did he just tell me to die?

“What, not willing to do it?” Jiang Mohan laughed coldly. “So, this so-called love that you have for me is just a bunch of nonsense?”

Her lips quivered as she replied, “I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“Hah! If you die now, I might consider remembering you.”

“Dying” was a word that anybody could say, yet how many actually had the resolve to go through with it?

It was easy to joke about ending one’s life, but when it actually came time to do it, when it dawned upon one that they would never be able to see this world again, how many would actually do it? Terror and fear is an incredibly effective deterrent.


Jiang Mohan’s voice was as frosty as a winter breeze, “Ling Wei, you only think that you love me. In truth, it’s nothing but a figment of your imagination.”

“No!” She shook her head vehemently. She was certain that she truly did love him! “I-if I die… I won’t be able to see you again…”

“But if you die, I’ll remember you. On the other hand, I’ll never love you even if you live. Didn’t you say that you loved me? Don’t you want me to remember you?” The cruelty in his voice scared her and she begged, “Please, save me!”

As if he had heard the most hilariously stupid thing in the world, he spat out, “In your dreams!”

Turning to his assistant, he ordered, “Nan Cheng, I want her dead!”

Nan Cheng winced and murmured, “Maybe she was-”

A vicious glare from Jiang Mohan cut him off as he swiftly replied, “I got it.”

Ling Wei had thought Jiang Mohan came to visit her so he could save her. She had not expected his arrival to push her closer to death!

I don’t understand. How did he find out about what I did? Was it Lin Ruixi? Just who is she? Could it be that she is… Zong Yanxi? No, I refuse to believe that! She clearly died in that fire! There’s no way that she’s alive! That’s impossible!

That woman was the person whom she had hated the most in this world, a woman who had snatched her beloved Jiang Mohan away from her! She could not accept that she was alive!

Once they were out of the police station. Nan Cheng questioned Jiang Mohan, “You really believe that man’s words and think that Ling Wei killed her?”

Jiang Mohan ignored his question as he demanded, “Give me the car keys.”

Worried for him, Nan Cheng asked, “Where would you like to go? I’ll drive you.”

He could tell that Jiang Mohan was in a foul mood and was reluctant to leave him alone.

“Give them to me!” Jiang Mohan snarled. Then, realizing he should not be taking his anger out on Nan Cheng, he continued, “I’m not in a good mood right now.”

Nan Cheng handed him the keys. “If you want, I could drink with you?”

Jiang Mohan stared at him silently so he added, “Rather than being alone, why don’t you let me keep you company? I know a bar that’s not bad. It’s quiet so no one will disturb us.”

“I want to be by myself right now,” was the response he received. With that said, Jiang Mohan unlocked the car and climbed inside.

Within seconds, the car zoomed off.

Nan Cheng let out a long sigh. Everything had happened so fast today and he was still confused about a lot of things.


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